Informe sobre Resolución N°2758-2019/SPC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo versa sobre una denuncia presentada por la Asociación de Consumidores
Indignados Perú (ACIP) contra La Rosa Náutica S.A. por presuntamente atentar lo
estipulado en el artículo 38° del Código de Protección y Defensa del Consumidor. En
tanto, se habría detectado que la denunciada entregaba dos cartas distintas a los
comensales, cartas con precios a los varones y sin precios a las mujeres.
Mediante Resolución N° 0271-2019/CC2, la Comisión de Protección al Consumidor
declaró infundada la denuncia, puesto que no se acreditó actos discriminatorios. La
Asociación, apela la decisión y mediante Resolución N°2758-2019/SPC-INDECOPI la
Sala Especializada en Protección al Consumidor revoca la resolución mediante la que
declaraba infundada la denuncia y reformula declarándose fundada.
En este trabajo, se analizará si con la decisión final del órgano resolutivo el Indecopi
como organismo de protección de los derechos del consumidor cumplió con la función
que se le ha impuesto. Asimismo, con todo lo trabajado en el presente informe se podrá
determinar si la resolución final de la Sala afectó o no la libertad empresarial.
Finalmente, se estudiará el tratamiento de la discriminación al consumidor en el
ordenamiento jurídico peruano. Para con ello determinar si la acción de la Rosa Náutica
reúne los componentes jurídicos que convierten una acción en discriminación.
Después del análisis completo, se podrá advertir que el Indecopi cumplió con su función
protectora hacia el consumidor y, asimismo, sus órganos resolutivos actuaron alineados
con su propia política pública. En esa línea, en el trabajo se anexará esta decisión como
una forma de concretización de las políticas públicas dictadas por el Estado.
This work deals with a complaint filed by the Asociación de Consumidores Indignados Perú (ACIP) against La Rosa Náutica S.A. for allegedly violating the provisions of Article 38 of the Code of Consumer Protection and Defense. Meanwhile, it would have been detected that the denounced company delivered two different menus to the diners, men's price cards and women's price cards without prices. By Resolution No. 0271-2019/CC2, the Consumer Protection Commission declared the complaint unfounded, since discriminatory acts were not proven. The Association appealed the decision and through Resolution N°2758-2019/SPC-INDECOPI, the Specialized Chamber on Consumer Protection revoked the resolution declaring the complaint unfounded and reformulated it, declaring it to be founded. In this paper, we will analyze whether with the final decision of the resolution body, Indecopi as a consumer rights protection agency complied with the function imposed on it. Likewise, with all the work done in this report, it will be possible to determine whether or not the final decision of the Chamber affected entrepreneurial freedom. Finally, the treatment of consumer discrimination in the Peruvian legal system will be studied. In order to determine if the action of the Rosa Nautica meets the legal components that convert an action into discrimination. After the complete analysis, it will be seen that Indecopi fulfilled its protective function towards the consumer.
This work deals with a complaint filed by the Asociación de Consumidores Indignados Perú (ACIP) against La Rosa Náutica S.A. for allegedly violating the provisions of Article 38 of the Code of Consumer Protection and Defense. Meanwhile, it would have been detected that the denounced company delivered two different menus to the diners, men's price cards and women's price cards without prices. By Resolution No. 0271-2019/CC2, the Consumer Protection Commission declared the complaint unfounded, since discriminatory acts were not proven. The Association appealed the decision and through Resolution N°2758-2019/SPC-INDECOPI, the Specialized Chamber on Consumer Protection revoked the resolution declaring the complaint unfounded and reformulated it, declaring it to be founded. In this paper, we will analyze whether with the final decision of the resolution body, Indecopi as a consumer rights protection agency complied with the function imposed on it. Likewise, with all the work done in this report, it will be possible to determine whether or not the final decision of the Chamber affected entrepreneurial freedom. Finally, the treatment of consumer discrimination in the Peruvian legal system will be studied. In order to determine if the action of the Rosa Nautica meets the legal components that convert an action into discrimination. After the complete analysis, it will be seen that Indecopi fulfilled its protective function towards the consumer.
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