Informe sobre la Casación Nº 2817-2009-La Libertad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente informe aborda el análisis del recurso resuelto en la Casación Nº2817-
2009-LA LIBERTAD emitido por la Sala Civil Permanente de la Corte Suprema de
Justicia de Lima, que aborda el tema de valoración de medios probatorios
extemporáneos y la primacía del principio de búsqueda de verdad, bajo el
argumento de cumplir con el fin del proceso. El desarrollo del informe permitirá
analizar lo resuelto en primera y segunda instancia, así como en casación,
identificando los problemas jurídicos existentes y emitir una opinión en base al
análisis realizado. El análisis gira en torno a la vulneración del principio de
preclusión en materia probatoria, con el fin de garantizar el principio de búsqueda
de verdad durante el proceso, amparada en el numeral tercero del Título
Preliminar del Código Procesal Civil, y si esta justificación es suficiente para que
la Corte Suprema ordene la inaplicación tácita de la regla establecida en el artículo
374° del Código Procesal Civil, siendo una norma vigente y constitucional. El
desarrollo del informe también permite analizar temas como la debida motivación
de resoluciones judiciales, prueba de oficio y si la aplicación de sexta regla
establecida en la Sentencia del X Pleno Casatorio Civil serviría como fundamento
jurídico para argumentar la primacía de la búsqueda de verdad sobre toda regla
This report addresses the analysis of the appeal resolved in Cassation No. 2817- 2009-LA LIBERTAD issued by the Permanent Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Lima, which addresses the issue of assessment of extemporaneous evidence and the primacy of the principle of seeking the truth, under the argument of complying with the purpose of the process. The development of the report will allow analyzing what has been resolved in the first and second instance, as well as in cassation, identifying the existing legal problems and issuing an opinion based on the analysis made. The analysis revolves around the infraction of the principle of preclusion in evidentiary matters, in order to guarantee the principle of the search for truth during the process, protected in the third numeral of the Preliminary Title of the Code of Civil Procedure, and if this justification is sufficient for the Supreme Court to order the tacit inapplication of the rule established in article 374° of the Code of Civil Procedure, being a current and constitutional rule. The development of the report also allows analyzing issues such as the due motivation of judicial resolutions, ex officio evidence and whether the application of the sixth rule established in the X Plenary Civil Cassation Ruling would serve as a legal basis to argue the primacy of the search for truth over any established rule.
This report addresses the analysis of the appeal resolved in Cassation No. 2817- 2009-LA LIBERTAD issued by the Permanent Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Lima, which addresses the issue of assessment of extemporaneous evidence and the primacy of the principle of seeking the truth, under the argument of complying with the purpose of the process. The development of the report will allow analyzing what has been resolved in the first and second instance, as well as in cassation, identifying the existing legal problems and issuing an opinion based on the analysis made. The analysis revolves around the infraction of the principle of preclusion in evidentiary matters, in order to guarantee the principle of the search for truth during the process, protected in the third numeral of the Preliminary Title of the Code of Civil Procedure, and if this justification is sufficient for the Supreme Court to order the tacit inapplication of the rule established in article 374° of the Code of Civil Procedure, being a current and constitutional rule. The development of the report also allows analyzing issues such as the due motivation of judicial resolutions, ex officio evidence and whether the application of the sixth rule established in the X Plenary Civil Cassation Ruling would serve as a legal basis to argue the primacy of the search for truth over any established rule.
Palabras clave
Recurso de casación--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Debido proceso--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Prueba (Derecho)--Perú
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