Acerca de la Resolución N°078-2016/CLC-INDECOPI, Caso Farmacias del Perú. Análisis sobre la posibilidad de atribuir responsabilidad administrativa respecto a los laboratorios farmacéuticos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo analiza la problemática suscitada a partir del procedimiento
administrativo sancionador contra Albis S.A., Boticas y Salud S.A.C., Botica Torres de
Limatambo S.A.C., Farmacias Peruana S.A., Eckerd Perú S.A., Mifarma S.A.C. y Nortfarma
S.A.C, por la comisión de prácticas colusorias horizontales, en la modalidad de fijación
concertada de precios de venta, a nivel nacional, en el periodo 2008-2009. Para ello, se ha
hecho uso de instituciones propias del Derecho Administrativo, así como de otras ramas del
Derecho, como el Derecho Constitucional, con la finalidad de determinar si era posible la
atribución de responsabilidad administrativa a los laboratorios farmacéuticos, como agentes
económicos intervinientes en la fijación concertada de precios. Por lo mismo, el análisis ha
tenido énfasis en la posibilidad de (i) imputar la comisión de prácticas colusorias verticales
y (ii) la concurrencia con medidas correctivas. Posteriormente, los resultados de la
investigación permiten constatar: en primer lugar, que, en efecto, era factible atribuir
responsabilidad a los laboratorios farmacéuticos como participes de una conducta
anticompetitiva. En segundo lugar, que la imputación idónea debió ser de “prácticas
colusorias verticales”, en lugar de prácticas colusorias horizontales. En tercer lugar, que era
admisible la concurrencia de una sanción y medidas correctivas, tanto para las cadenas de
farmacias como para los laboratorios, siempre que se hayan garantizado los principios de
tipicidad, razonabilidad y proporcionalidad.
This paper analyzes the problems arising from the administrative sanctioning procedure against Albis S.A., Boticas y Salud S.A.C., Botica Torres de Limatambo S.A.C., Farmacias Peruana S.A., Eckerd Perú S.A., Mifarma S.A.C. and Nortfarma S.A.C., for the commission of horizontal collusive practices, in the modality of concerted fixing of sales prices, at national level, in the period 2008-2009. For this purpose, use has been made of institutions of Administrative Law, as well as other branches of Law, such as Constitutional Law, in order to determine whether it was possible to attribute administrative liability to pharmaceutical laboratories, as economic agents involved in the concerted fixing of prices. In this way, the analysis has emphasized the possibility of (i) imputing the commission of vertical collusive practices and (ii) the concurrence with corrective measures. Subsequently, the results of the investigation show: firstly, that it was indeed feasible to attribute liability 2 to the pharmaceutical laboratories as participants in an anticompetitive conduct. Secondly, that the appropriate charge should have been "vertical collusive practices", instead of horizontal collusive practices. Thirdly, that the concurrence of a sanction and corrective measures was admissible, both for the pharmacy chains and for the laboratories, provided that the principles of typicality, reasonableness and proportionality were guaranteed.
This paper analyzes the problems arising from the administrative sanctioning procedure against Albis S.A., Boticas y Salud S.A.C., Botica Torres de Limatambo S.A.C., Farmacias Peruana S.A., Eckerd Perú S.A., Mifarma S.A.C. and Nortfarma S.A.C., for the commission of horizontal collusive practices, in the modality of concerted fixing of sales prices, at national level, in the period 2008-2009. For this purpose, use has been made of institutions of Administrative Law, as well as other branches of Law, such as Constitutional Law, in order to determine whether it was possible to attribute administrative liability to pharmaceutical laboratories, as economic agents involved in the concerted fixing of prices. In this way, the analysis has emphasized the possibility of (i) imputing the commission of vertical collusive practices and (ii) the concurrence with corrective measures. Subsequently, the results of the investigation show: firstly, that it was indeed feasible to attribute liability 2 to the pharmaceutical laboratories as participants in an anticompetitive conduct. Secondly, that the appropriate charge should have been "vertical collusive practices", instead of horizontal collusive practices. Thirdly, that the concurrence of a sanction and corrective measures was admissible, both for the pharmacy chains and for the laboratories, provided that the principles of typicality, reasonableness and proportionality were guaranteed.
Palabras clave
Procedimiento administrativo--Perú, Sanciones administrativas--Perú, Farmacias--Control de precios, Libre competencia--Legislación, Derecho administrativo--Perú
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