El estudio de casos y el juego de roles como estrategias colaborativas para mejorar el análisis crítico de la realidad por parte de los estudiantes del curso Teoría del Delito en una universidad privada de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El debate entre una concepción de la enseñanza del derecho penal como una materia
eminentemente teórica o solamente práctica genera como resultado un proceso de enseñanza
desvinculado de los propios fines de la educación universitaria: formar ciudadanos que sean
capaces de analizar, cuestionar y reflexionar sobre la sociedad en la que viven y en la que se
insertarán profesionalmente. Para una adecuada formación de los futuros abogados se
requiere que estos desarrollen la capacidad de pensamiento crítico, que les permitirá
responder ante los problemas del día a día de manera ponderada, sustentada en un
conocimiento teórico aplicado de manera reflexiva, tomando en consideración los efectos de
sus decisiones. Para cumplir con esta finalidad, se propone la utilización de metodologías
colaborativas como el estudio de casos y el juego de roles. Estas permiten que el estudiante
se enfrente a problemas reales, reflexione sobre la mejor forma de darle respuesta a partir de
la utilización de conceptos e instituciones teóricos y argumente defendiendo su posición a
partir del intercambio y contraposición de ideas, situándose en los contextos y procesos
propios de la práctica profesional. Estas metodologías han sido aplicadas para la enseñanza
de las causas de exclusión del injusto, utilizando casos reales y la simulación de una audiencia
de alegatos de clausura. Los resultados permiten observar una mejora continua de la
capacidad de análisis y argumentación, y una mayor vinculación de los estudiantes con su
entorno y con la propia materia al promover la construcción autónoma de los saberes teóricos
aplicables al caso.
The debate between a conception of teaching criminal law as an eminently theoretical subject, or only a practical one results in a teaching process disconnected from the very purpose of higher education: to train citizens who can analyze, question, and reflect on the society in which they live and in which they will be professionally inserted. For an adequate education of future lawyers, it is required that they develop the capacity for critical thinking, which will allow them to respond to day-to-day problems in a measured manner, based on theoretical knowledge applied in a reflective way, taking into consideration the consequences of their decisions. To fulfill this purpose, the use of collaborative methodologies such as the case method and role-play is proposed. These allow the student to face real problems, to think on the best way to give an answer based on the use of theoretical concepts and institutions, and to argue by defending their position based on the exchange and contrast of ideas, placing themselves in the contexts and processes of professional practice. These methodologies have been applied to the teaching of the justification defenses, using real cases and the simulation of a closing arguments hearing. The results show a continuous improvement in the capacity for analysis and argumentation, and a greater link between students and their society and the subject itself, by promoting the autonomous construction of theoretical knowledge applicable to a case.
The debate between a conception of teaching criminal law as an eminently theoretical subject, or only a practical one results in a teaching process disconnected from the very purpose of higher education: to train citizens who can analyze, question, and reflect on the society in which they live and in which they will be professionally inserted. For an adequate education of future lawyers, it is required that they develop the capacity for critical thinking, which will allow them to respond to day-to-day problems in a measured manner, based on theoretical knowledge applied in a reflective way, taking into consideration the consequences of their decisions. To fulfill this purpose, the use of collaborative methodologies such as the case method and role-play is proposed. These allow the student to face real problems, to think on the best way to give an answer based on the use of theoretical concepts and institutions, and to argue by defending their position based on the exchange and contrast of ideas, placing themselves in the contexts and processes of professional practice. These methodologies have been applied to the teaching of the justification defenses, using real cases and the simulation of a closing arguments hearing. The results show a continuous improvement in the capacity for analysis and argumentation, and a greater link between students and their society and the subject itself, by promoting the autonomous construction of theoretical knowledge applicable to a case.
Palabras clave
Juegos de rol, Derecho penal--Estudio y enseñanza, Pensamiento crítico, Profesores universitarios, Educación superior--Investigaciones
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