La doctrina de los Interna Corporis Acta y su posibilidad de aplicación en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis busca mostrar que la configuración del procedimiento relativo
a la elección de los altos funcionarios por parte del Congreso de la República es
una decisión política, que es expresión de un determinado statu quo político. A
partir del análisis de la génesis, transformación y crisis de diversas doctrinas
jurídicas que permiten en mayor o menor medida el control constitucional de los
actos del Parlamento, se concluye que estas son expresión de los cambios en la
correlación de fuerzas políticas en un momento determinado. En ese contexto,
la jurisprudencia más reciente del Tribunal Constitucional peruano ha indicado,
sobre la base de la doctrina de los interna corporis acta, que sí existen zonas
exentas de control constitucional en el ordenamiento jurídico. La tesis concluye
señalando que dicha doctrina sólo podría ser aplicable en el Perú en su versión
débil o lata, debido a la supervivencia de doctrinas que postulan precisamente lo
contrario, al debilitamiento de su capacidad de rendimiento al no haber superado
las críticas desde el siglo XX, y a la peculiar realidad institucional peruana.
This thesis aims to show that the constitutional configuration of the high officials’ election procedure is a matter of political decision, which expresses a certain political statu quo. The analysis of the origin, transformation and crisis of the various legal theories that allow different intensities of constitutional control over parliamentary acts suggests that all of them are the consequence of a particular balance of power. In this context the most recent sentence of the peruvian Constitutional Court in that regard stated, based on the interna corporis acta doctrine, that there are some areas excluded from the constitutional control by judiciary. However, this thesis concludes that the doctrine mentioned may only be applied in Perú in tis soft version, due to the survival of the doctrines that state just the opposite, due to the weakening of its performance capacity for not having overcome the criticism, and due to the features of the peruvian institutional reality.
This thesis aims to show that the constitutional configuration of the high officials’ election procedure is a matter of political decision, which expresses a certain political statu quo. The analysis of the origin, transformation and crisis of the various legal theories that allow different intensities of constitutional control over parliamentary acts suggests that all of them are the consequence of a particular balance of power. In this context the most recent sentence of the peruvian Constitutional Court in that regard stated, based on the interna corporis acta doctrine, that there are some areas excluded from the constitutional control by judiciary. However, this thesis concludes that the doctrine mentioned may only be applied in Perú in tis soft version, due to the survival of the doctrines that state just the opposite, due to the weakening of its performance capacity for not having overcome the criticism, and due to the features of the peruvian institutional reality.