Estudio comparativo de habilidades de precálculo en niños de 7 años de instituciones educativas estatales y particulares, Lima 2012.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente estudio tuvo como principal propósito, establecer la
comparación entre las habilidades de precálculo de los niños de 7 años, de
instituciones particulares y estatales de Lima. Para ello se consideró el
instrumento de evaluación del precálculo de Neva Milicic y Schmidt el cual posee
10 sub test los cuales son Conceptos Básicos, Percepción visual, Correspondencia
termino a término, Números ordinales, Reproducción de figuras y secuencia,
Reconocimiento de Figuras Geométricas, Reconocimiento y Reproducción de
Números, Cardinalidad, Resolución de problema y Conservación para evaluar los
desempeños en precálculo de las habilidades matemáticas.
Los participantes fueron niños de segundo grado de primaria de
Instituciones Educativas Particulares y Estatales, utilizando una muestra de 284
alumnos, cuyas edades fueron de 7 años. El análisis psicométrico de la prueba alcanzó validez y confiabilidad,
asimismo, el contraste de las hipótesis permitió validar algunas de las hipótesis
planteadas como que las expresan las diferencias estadísticamente significativas,
sobre los sub - tests relacionado con Números ordinales, Reproducción de figuras
y números, Reconocimiento y reproducción de números, así como el sub test de
Así como replantear algunas otras hipótesis a partir del análisis de los
resultados se puede observar que en los sub tests no se observan diferencias
estadísticamente significativas con los sub tests relacionados con Conceptos
básicos, Percepción visual, Correspondencia término a término, Reconocimiento
de figuras geométricas, Cardinalidad y Solución de problemas aritméticos.
The present study had as its main purpose, to make a comparison between precalculus skills of seven years old children, public and private institutions of Lima. The precalculus assessment tool Neva Milicic and Schmidt which has 10 sub tests which are: basic concepts, visual perception, term by term correspondence, ordinal numbers, reproduction of figures, numbers and sequenses reproduction, Geometric Shape Recognition, Numbers and Reproduction, Cardinality and Conservation, to assess performance by precalculus math skills. Participants were children in second grade of Private and public Educational Institutions, using a sample of 7 year-old students. The test psychometric analysis reached validity and reliability and also contrasting hypotheses that validated some of the hypotheses which express statistically significant differences on the sub - Ordinal numbers, Reproduction of figures, numbers and recognition and reproduction numbers and sub Conservation test. And to reconsider some other hypotheses from the analysis of the results, we can see that there are not observed statistically significant differences between basics concepts, Visual perception, term by term Correspondence, Recognition of geometric figures, Cardinality, mathematical subtests problems solving.
The present study had as its main purpose, to make a comparison between precalculus skills of seven years old children, public and private institutions of Lima. The precalculus assessment tool Neva Milicic and Schmidt which has 10 sub tests which are: basic concepts, visual perception, term by term correspondence, ordinal numbers, reproduction of figures, numbers and sequenses reproduction, Geometric Shape Recognition, Numbers and Reproduction, Cardinality and Conservation, to assess performance by precalculus math skills. Participants were children in second grade of Private and public Educational Institutions, using a sample of 7 year-old students. The test psychometric analysis reached validity and reliability and also contrasting hypotheses that validated some of the hypotheses which express statistically significant differences on the sub - Ordinal numbers, Reproduction of figures, numbers and recognition and reproduction numbers and sub Conservation test. And to reconsider some other hypotheses from the analysis of the results, we can see that there are not observed statistically significant differences between basics concepts, Visual perception, term by term Correspondence, Recognition of geometric figures, Cardinality, mathematical subtests problems solving.
Palabras clave
Matemáticas--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria).
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