Procesamiento lector en niños bilingües avanzados quechua-castellano y monolingües castellano circunscrito en dos provincias del departamento de Ayacucho (Huamanga y Vilcashuamán)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El estudio buscó determinar la existencia de diferencias en el procesamiento lector (identificación de letras, proceso léxico, sintáctico y semántico) entre niños bilingües quechua-castellano (incipientes y avanzados) y no bilingües; así mismo, se estableció si hay relación entre los índices de precisión y velocidad lectora, y la condición de la lengua.
El tipo de investigación fue el descriptivo correlacional, aplicando un diseño transeccional y de observación; en tanto que, el muestreo fue no probabilístico de tipo intencional. Se examinó a 98 niños que cursan el tercero y el sexto grado de primaria en el departamento de Ayacucho, que conformaron dos grupos, uno de 49 niños bilingües (Vilcashuamán), evaluados con el Test Breve de Bilingüismo (TBB), adaptado por Gonzáles (2008), hallándose únicamente bilingües avanzados; y, el otro, de 49 sujetos monolingües castellanos (Huamanga). Ambos grupos de estudio fueron evaluados con la Batería de Evaluación de los Procesos Lectores, Revisada (PROLEC-R) de Cuetos (2007).
Los resultados evidenciaron la no existencia de diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el procesamiento lector entre ambos grupos, sin tener alguna incidencia las variables género y grado de instrucción; ello indica la adecuada apropiación de los signos lingüísticos de la segunda lengua del grupo avanzado. Por otro lado, se hallaron diferencias significativas a nivel de la velocidad de lectura, a favor del grupo monolingüe, las que se van acentuando a partir del quinto y sexto grado; en tanto que en precisión lectora, se encontró diferencias únicamente en la tarea de nombre o sonido de letras.
The study sought to determine the existence of differences in reading processing (letter identification, lexical, syntactic and semantic processing) between spanish-quechua bilingual children (incipient and advanced) and non-bilingual spanish children, also, it was established the relation between the indexes of precision and speed in reading according to the language condition. The research was descriptive and correlational applying a cross sectional study and observation design, besides the sample was also nonprobability sampling (intended). Ninety eight children were examined between the third and sixth grade in Ayacucho department, divided into 49 bilingual children (in Vilcashuamán), evaluated with Brief Bilingualism Test (TBB), adapted by Gonzales (2008), obtaining a result of advanced bilingual children, and forty nine Spanish monolingual subjects (Huamanga). Both study groups were assessed with the Battery for Reading Processes Assessment, Revised (PROLEC-R) by Cuetos (2007). The results showed the absence of statistically significant differences in reading process, between the two groups, without having any impact the variables gender and education level; this will indicate the correct appropriation of linguistic signs of the second language of the advanced group. On the other hand, significant differences were found in reading speed for the monolingual group, which emphasizes from the fifth and sixth grade; meanwhile in reading precision there were only differences in the tasks name or letter sound.
The study sought to determine the existence of differences in reading processing (letter identification, lexical, syntactic and semantic processing) between spanish-quechua bilingual children (incipient and advanced) and non-bilingual spanish children, also, it was established the relation between the indexes of precision and speed in reading according to the language condition. The research was descriptive and correlational applying a cross sectional study and observation design, besides the sample was also nonprobability sampling (intended). Ninety eight children were examined between the third and sixth grade in Ayacucho department, divided into 49 bilingual children (in Vilcashuamán), evaluated with Brief Bilingualism Test (TBB), adapted by Gonzales (2008), obtaining a result of advanced bilingual children, and forty nine Spanish monolingual subjects (Huamanga). Both study groups were assessed with the Battery for Reading Processes Assessment, Revised (PROLEC-R) by Cuetos (2007). The results showed the absence of statistically significant differences in reading process, between the two groups, without having any impact the variables gender and education level; this will indicate the correct appropriation of linguistic signs of the second language of the advanced group. On the other hand, significant differences were found in reading speed for the monolingual group, which emphasizes from the fifth and sixth grade; meanwhile in reading precision there were only differences in the tasks name or letter sound.
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