Diseño del plan estratégico para la creación de carreras en una universidad privada de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo constituye el Plan Estratégico para el Observatorio e Incubadora de
Programas Académicos de una Universidad Privada de Lima, unidad responsable de la
creación de nuevas carreras en la institución, perteneciente a la Dirección Universitaria
de Gestión Académica y dependiente del Vicerrectorado Académico. Al ser una unidad
que cumple una función estratégica dentro de la Universidad, y que realiza sus funciones
de manera intuitiva, busca definir hoy hacia dónde quiere llegar y el plan estratégico se
convierte en una herramienta de gestión importante y necesaria para sustentar la toma
de decisiones.
El plan estratégico elaborado es resultado del análisis externo e interno de la unidad
luego de tres años de funcionamiento, empleando una metodología participativa con
personal clave de la dirección a la que pertenece.
Se elaboró la misión, visión, valores y principios, así como la descripción de políticas
alineadas a las políticas institucionales; y se proponen doce objetivos y diez estrategias
a partir de la matriz FODA.
La institucionalización y posterior implementación de este plan estratégico busca que el
Observatorio e Incubadora de Programas Académicos se convierta en una instancia ágil
dentro de la institución de manera que contribuya con el crecimiento institucional y la
diversificación de la oferta académica, evidenciado en el incremento del número de
estudiantes y la mejora en la rentabilidad económica.
The present work constitutes the Strategic Plan for the Observatory and Incubator of Academic Programs of a Private University of Lima, responsible unit for the creation of new careers in the institution, which belongs to the Directorate of Academic Management and depends on the Academic Vice Rectorate. Being a unit that fulfills a strategic function within the University, and that performs its functions intuitively, it seeks to define where it wants to go today, and the strategic plan becomes an important and necessary management tool to support decision making. The strategic plan developed is the result of the external and internal analysis of the unit after three years of operation, using a participatory methodology with key personnel of the directorate to which it belongs. The mission, vision, values and principles were elaborated, as well as the description of policies aligned to institutional policies; twelve objectives and ten strategies are proposed based on the SWOT matrix. The institutionalization and subsequent implementation of this strategic plan seeks that the Observatory and Incubator of Academic Programs become an agile instance within the institution in a way that contributes to the institutional growth and diversification of the academic offer, evidenced in the increasing number of students and the improvement in economic profit.
The present work constitutes the Strategic Plan for the Observatory and Incubator of Academic Programs of a Private University of Lima, responsible unit for the creation of new careers in the institution, which belongs to the Directorate of Academic Management and depends on the Academic Vice Rectorate. Being a unit that fulfills a strategic function within the University, and that performs its functions intuitively, it seeks to define where it wants to go today, and the strategic plan becomes an important and necessary management tool to support decision making. The strategic plan developed is the result of the external and internal analysis of the unit after three years of operation, using a participatory methodology with key personnel of the directorate to which it belongs. The mission, vision, values and principles were elaborated, as well as the description of policies aligned to institutional policies; twelve objectives and ten strategies are proposed based on the SWOT matrix. The institutionalization and subsequent implementation of this strategic plan seeks that the Observatory and Incubator of Academic Programs become an agile instance within the institution in a way that contributes to the institutional growth and diversification of the academic offer, evidenced in the increasing number of students and the improvement in economic profit.