Experiencias amorosas actuales y su incidencia en el proyecto de vida de mujeres jóvenes universitarias
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación presenta la revisión bibliográfica en torno a
las experiencias amorosas actuales y su incidencia en el proyecto de vida en mujeres
jóvenes universitarias. Para lo cual, se ha dividido el texto en cinco subtemas: el estudio
del amor desde la sociología, entre el amor romántico y la fragilidad de los vínculos
afectivos en la actualidad, la construcción social de la mujer, las transformaciones en las
instituciones que estructuran y guían el amor y los marcos de referencia de la experiencia
amorosa contemporánea; para finalmente culminar con las conclusiones. Con el objetivo
de poder caracterizar las experiencias amorosas de las mujeres jóvenes. Fundamenta su
relevancia académica la importancia de los estudios de las relaciones de pareja, puesto
que las estructuras e instituciones que antes guiaban la experiencia amorosa se han
transformado en la actualidad. Además el estudio del amor desde la sociología revela la
desigualdad y desventaja que estructuralmente sufren las mujeres. Así mismo entre las
principales conclusiones, se tiene que la experiencia amorosa en jóvenes universitarias,
se vive como entrega incondicional, reduciendo así su existencia a las necesidades de
su pareja, a pesar de manejar un discurso que refleja una autoimagen de mujer
independiente. Esta contradicción se fundamenta en mandatos que provienen de los
roles de género y la socialización femenina. Lo cual conlleva a que dejen de lado
oportunidades de largo plazo relacionadas con sus propias metas y proyectos de vida de
ellas mismas, a causa de la priorización de su pareja.
The present research work presents the bibliographic review around the current love experiences and their incidence in the life project in young university women. For which, the text has been divided into five subtopics: the study of love from sociology, between romantic love and the fragility of affective bonds today, the social construction of women, the transformations in the institutions that structure and they guide love and the frames of reference of the contemporary love experience; to finally culminate with the conclusions. With the aim of being able to characterize the love experiences of young women. Its academic relevance is based on the importance of studies of couple relationships, since the structures and institutions that previously guided the love experience have been transformed today. In addition, the study of love from sociology reveals the inequality and disadvantage that women structurally suffer. Likewise, among the main conclusions, the love experience in young university students is lived as unconditional surrender, thus reducing their existence to the needs of their partner, despite handling a discourse that reflects a self-image of an independent woman. This contradiction is based on mandates that come from gender roles and female socialization. This leads them to set aside long-term opportunities related to their own goals and life projects, due to the prioritization of their partner.
The present research work presents the bibliographic review around the current love experiences and their incidence in the life project in young university women. For which, the text has been divided into five subtopics: the study of love from sociology, between romantic love and the fragility of affective bonds today, the social construction of women, the transformations in the institutions that structure and they guide love and the frames of reference of the contemporary love experience; to finally culminate with the conclusions. With the aim of being able to characterize the love experiences of young women. Its academic relevance is based on the importance of studies of couple relationships, since the structures and institutions that previously guided the love experience have been transformed today. In addition, the study of love from sociology reveals the inequality and disadvantage that women structurally suffer. Likewise, among the main conclusions, the love experience in young university students is lived as unconditional surrender, thus reducing their existence to the needs of their partner, despite handling a discourse that reflects a self-image of an independent woman. This contradiction is based on mandates that come from gender roles and female socialization. This leads them to set aside long-term opportunities related to their own goals and life projects, due to the prioritization of their partner.