Discrecionalidad a la peruana: una aproximación a al manejo policial durante la pandemia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La crisis sanitaria ocasionada por la pandemia del COVID-19 ha planteado nuevos retos
para la intervención policial. Ante las nuevas directivas estatales, la policía, adicionalmente a su labor
de garantizar la seguridad ciudadana y el control del orden interno, tiene que aplicar normas para
contrarrestar el riesgo y amenaza de propagación del virus. Se evidencia que el contexto real de
intervención durante la pandemia muchas veces genera obstáculos para ejecutar las disposiciones
sanitarias estatales. En este nuevo contexto, los policías se enfrentan a dos grandes lógicas de
actuación: por un lado, intentan aplicar cabalmente los protocolos sanitarios establecidos por la PNP
y, por otro lado, también recurren a normas informales que ellos han designado. En ese sentido, los
protocolos de actuación son readaptados a partir de los juicios discrecionales que se van formando a
partir de la experiencia personal y colectiva de los policías. En la presente investigación se ha recogido
un total de 5 entrevistas a diversos oficiales de la PNP quienes se desempeñan tanto en labores
administrativas como de patrullaje durante el tercer trimestre de la pandemia. El presente artículo
explora los criterios que utilizan los policías para llevar a cabo las disposiciones estatales en torno al
mantenimiento del orden social. Se encuentra que los policías emplean lo que hemos denominado
“discrecionalidad a la peruana”, que es producto de un entramado de factores institucionales, contexto
de la interacción con la ciudadanía y falta de confianza, falta de recursos, y el riesgo de la pandemia.
Todos estos elementos sirven como una herramienta de ponderación para la aplicación de las normas
en la calle.
The sanitary crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic challenged police intervention. By adopting newer state directives, police officers have had to apply norms to counteract the propagation of the virus and its inherent risks in addition to their role in public safety. The authors find that the practical context of police intervention during the pandemic generates obstacles to execute orders and formal sanitary dispositions. In this new context policemen face a two track logic: on the one side, they attempt to apply diligently whatever protocols the Policia Nacional del Perú (PNP) establishes; on the other side, they recur to self-designed informal norms. In that regard, protocols are re-adapted, re-invented on the discretionary judgement formed through personal and collective experience. In the present paper a total of five interviews have been conducted to diverse personnel of the PNP who performed both administrative and patrol labor during the third trimester of 2020. This research paper investigated the criteria through which state dispositions are applied to maintain social order. Findings include a designated “peruvian discretionality” exercised by policemen, product of a framework composed by weak institutions, citizen interaction, low citizen trust, resource scarcity and risk of contagion. “Peruvian discretionality” constitutes therefore a tool to ponder and apply norms on the streets.
The sanitary crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic challenged police intervention. By adopting newer state directives, police officers have had to apply norms to counteract the propagation of the virus and its inherent risks in addition to their role in public safety. The authors find that the practical context of police intervention during the pandemic generates obstacles to execute orders and formal sanitary dispositions. In this new context policemen face a two track logic: on the one side, they attempt to apply diligently whatever protocols the Policia Nacional del Perú (PNP) establishes; on the other side, they recur to self-designed informal norms. In that regard, protocols are re-adapted, re-invented on the discretionary judgement formed through personal and collective experience. In the present paper a total of five interviews have been conducted to diverse personnel of the PNP who performed both administrative and patrol labor during the third trimester of 2020. This research paper investigated the criteria through which state dispositions are applied to maintain social order. Findings include a designated “peruvian discretionality” exercised by policemen, product of a framework composed by weak institutions, citizen interaction, low citizen trust, resource scarcity and risk of contagion. “Peruvian discretionality” constitutes therefore a tool to ponder and apply norms on the streets.
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