Estudio de caso de un niño de 4 años 3 meses con dificultades en el proceso comprensivo y expresivo del lenguaje
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El lenguaje es un proceso complejo porque intervienen factores genéticos, socioculturales y los internos
relacionados con los componentes del lenguaje, sin embargo, se pueden presentar dificultades, logrando
impactar en la interacción y el aprendizaje del niño, por esta razón, es indispensable la detección, valoración e
intervención oportuna. El objetivo del presente estudio de caso es elaborar un plan de valoración e intervención
acorde a las necesidades que requiere un niño de 4 años y 3 meses. Las dificultades que presenta el niño
C., comprende los componentes léxico semántico y morfosintáctico que afectan los procesos comprensivo y
expresivo del lenguaje, evidenciándose un perfil valorativo por debajo de su edad cronológica. Se sigue el
modelo de intervención del medio – modelo hibrido- en el que el contexto del niño es importante en el diseño
de las actividades vivenciales con material concreto y virtual, estímulos lingüísticos que usó y controló la
especialista para responder y modelar las formas lingüísticas de acuerdo a los intereses y necesidades del
niño. Los resultados evidencian logros en el incremento del vocabulario de las categorías semánticas
priorizadas, en la comprensión de preguntas con encabezadores del tipo “¿Qué hace?”, “¿Con quién?”,
¿Dónde+?” y en la identificación y verbalización de oraciones simples del tipo “S+V+OD”. Se concluye que el
plan de intervención ejecutado permitió al niño fortalecer sus habilidades lingüísticas en los componentes léxico
semántico y morfosintáctico, mejorando la comunicación con sus interlocutores en su entorno familiar, escolar
y social.
Language is a complex process because genetic, sociocultural, and internal factors related to the components of language intervene, however, difficulties can occur, impacting the child's interaction and learning, for this reason, it is essential detection, assessment, and timely intervention. The objective of this case study is to develop an assessment and intervention plan according to the needs of a 4-years-old and 3-months boy. The difficulties presented by child C., include the semantic lexical and morphosyntactic components that affect the comprehension and expressive processes of language, evidencing a value profile below his chronological age. It follows the model of intervention of the environment - hybrid model - in which the context of the child is important in the design of experiential activities with concrete and virtual material, the linguistic stimulus that used and controlled by the specialist to answer and model linguistic forms according to the interests and needs of the child. The results show achievements in increasing the comprehensive and expressive vocabulary of the prioritized semantic categories, in the comprehension of questions with type headers What?, Who?, where.? and in the identification and verbalization of simple sentences type “S+V+DO”. It is concluded that the intervention plan allowed the boy to strengthen his comprehensive and expression linguistic skills in the semantic and morphosyntactic lexical components, and helped the boy to improve the communication with his family, school friends, and social environment interlocutors.
Language is a complex process because genetic, sociocultural, and internal factors related to the components of language intervene, however, difficulties can occur, impacting the child's interaction and learning, for this reason, it is essential detection, assessment, and timely intervention. The objective of this case study is to develop an assessment and intervention plan according to the needs of a 4-years-old and 3-months boy. The difficulties presented by child C., include the semantic lexical and morphosyntactic components that affect the comprehension and expressive processes of language, evidencing a value profile below his chronological age. It follows the model of intervention of the environment - hybrid model - in which the context of the child is important in the design of experiential activities with concrete and virtual material, the linguistic stimulus that used and controlled by the specialist to answer and model linguistic forms according to the interests and needs of the child. The results show achievements in increasing the comprehensive and expressive vocabulary of the prioritized semantic categories, in the comprehension of questions with type headers What?, Who?, where.? and in the identification and verbalization of simple sentences type “S+V+DO”. It is concluded that the intervention plan allowed the boy to strengthen his comprehensive and expression linguistic skills in the semantic and morphosyntactic lexical components, and helped the boy to improve the communication with his family, school friends, and social environment interlocutors.