Universalización de la notificación electrónica como mecanismo esencial, seguro y eficaz para la realización Y vigencia del debido proceso
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación aborda la universalización de la notificación electrónica como un
mecanismo seguro y eficaz que permita garantizar la vigencia y realización del debido
proceso. Ello a raíz de que la notificación por cédula o física como medio obligatorio
genera retardo y lentitud en el trámite de los procesos (las notificaciones no llegan
oportunamente), dando pie a la vulneración de derechos, en especial, el debido proceso.
Frente a ello, la notificación electrónica ofrece celeridad, seguridad y eficacia en el
desarrollo de los procesos, a su vez, asegura la protección del debido proceso porque el
interesado recibe la notificación en tiempo oportuno para poder ejercer el contradictorio
y el derecho de defensa. En ese orden, el enfoque de la investigación fue cualitativa y
los métodos utilizados fueron: (i) funcional–propositiva, (ii) analítico, (iii) inductivo y
(iv) comparativo, que permitieron describir, identificar y establecer los beneficios y
desventajas en términos de celeridad, seguridad y eficacia tanto de la notificación por
cédula en soporte papel y en casilla electrónica. Finalmente, los resultados a los que se
arribaron –a grandes rasgos– fueron: (i) la notificación electrónica garantiza celeridad
procesal, eficacia y efectividad en la tutela de los derechos del justiciable porque puede
ejercer el contradictorio y el derecho de defensa adecuadamente porque la notificación o
comunicación se efectúa de manera oportuna, (ii) la notificación por cédula ha supuesto
la vulneración del debido proceso porque el acto de comunicar o notificar afronta
diversos problemas que impiden establecer una relación jurídico-procesal válida y (iii)
la universalización de la notificación electrónica que abarque desde la constitución de la
relación jurídico-procesal garantiza la protección del debido proceso.
This research addresses the universalization of electronic notification as a safe and effective mechanism that guarantees the validity and performance of due process. This is due to the fact that the notification by identity card or physical as a mandatory means generates delay and slowness in the processing of the processes (the notifications do not arrive in a timely manner), giving rise to the violation of rights, especially due process. Against this, electronic notification offers speed, security and efficiency in the development of processes, in turn, ensures the protection of due process because the interested party receives the notification in a timely manner to be able to exercise the contradictory and the right of defense. In that order, the focus of the research was qualitative and the methods used were: (i) functional – propositional, (ii) analytical, (iii) inductive and (iv) comparative, which allowed us to describe, identify and establish the benefits and disadvantages in terms of speed, safety and effectiveness of both the notification by identification card on paper and in electronic box. Finally, the results that were reached -broadly speaking- were: (i) the electronic notification guarantees procedural speed, efficiency and effectiveness in the protection of the rights of the defendant because it can exercise the contradictory and the right of defense adequately because the Notification or communication is carried out in a timely manner, (ii) the notification by ID has implied the violation of due process because the act of communicating or notifying faces various problems that prevent establishing a valid legal-procedural relationship and (iii) the universalization of the Electronic notification that ranges from the constitution of the legal-procedural relationship guarantees the protection of due process.
This research addresses the universalization of electronic notification as a safe and effective mechanism that guarantees the validity and performance of due process. This is due to the fact that the notification by identity card or physical as a mandatory means generates delay and slowness in the processing of the processes (the notifications do not arrive in a timely manner), giving rise to the violation of rights, especially due process. Against this, electronic notification offers speed, security and efficiency in the development of processes, in turn, ensures the protection of due process because the interested party receives the notification in a timely manner to be able to exercise the contradictory and the right of defense. In that order, the focus of the research was qualitative and the methods used were: (i) functional – propositional, (ii) analytical, (iii) inductive and (iv) comparative, which allowed us to describe, identify and establish the benefits and disadvantages in terms of speed, safety and effectiveness of both the notification by identification card on paper and in electronic box. Finally, the results that were reached -broadly speaking- were: (i) the electronic notification guarantees procedural speed, efficiency and effectiveness in the protection of the rights of the defendant because it can exercise the contradictory and the right of defense adequately because the Notification or communication is carried out in a timely manner, (ii) the notification by ID has implied the violation of due process because the act of communicating or notifying faces various problems that prevent establishing a valid legal-procedural relationship and (iii) the universalization of the Electronic notification that ranges from the constitution of the legal-procedural relationship guarantees the protection of due process.
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