Propuesta de mejora en el proceso de distribución de galletas en una empresa de consumo masivo mediante la metodología PDCA y herramientas de data analytics
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La categoría galletas, presenta productos de consumo masivo, actualmente, el 64% de los
peruanos sustituyen un plato principal por una galleta u algún otro bocadito (Condor, 2022).
Durante la última década del 2019, se pudo observar que el consumo de galletas en el país
ha crecido entre los años 2009 y 2019 teniendo un incremento de 1,7 kg (INEI, 2009) a 4,1
kg (ALICORP, 2019) per cápita evidenciándose de esta forma el incremento en esta década
de 58.5 % de kilos per cápita consumidos dentro de la dieta tradicional del consumidor
La distribución de galletas en una empresa peruana líder en el sector de consumo masivo es
el tema principal de este estudio. Su objetivo principal es desarrollar un enfoque de cadena
de suministro de galletas para mejorar la competitividad organizacional. Esto se logrará a
través del uso del ciclo PDCA y herramientas de análisis de datos en casos de estudio. Estas
herramientas se han elegido por su adaptabilidad y su capacidad para identificar deficiencias
en la cadena, lo que puede tener un efecto notable en la satisfacción del cliente y en las
métricas competitivas de la empresa en la industria galletera peruana.
La propuesta de mejora aplicada al evaluarla económicamente ha demostrado ser viable y
rentable, con una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) del 30.71% y un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) de
46,779.54 soles. Estos resultados indican claramente que la oferta es rentable, ya que el VAN
es mayor que cero y la TIR supera la tasa de interés marginal relevante del 8.45%. Esta
evaluación financiera respalda la efectividad de la propuesta y su capacidad para generar
beneficios económicos.
En resumen, esta investigación resalta lo cruciales que son la recopilación y el análisis de
datos para la toma de decisiones y la optimización continua de la cadena de suministro. La
aplicación de la metodología PDCA y otras estrategias ha demostrado ser efectiva para
optimizar la gestión logística y reducir costos. Los resultados económicos respaldan la
viabilidad y rentabilidad de las propuestas, lo que refuerza su capacidad para generar valor
en la organización y mejorar la satisfacción del cliente.
The cookie category presents mass consumption products, currently, 64% of Peruvians replace a main dish with a cookie or some other snack (Condor, 2022). During the last decade of 2019, it could be observed that the consumption of cookies in the country has grown between the years 2009 and 2019 having an increase from 1.7 kg (INEI, 2009) to 4.1 kg (ALICORP, 2019) per capita thus evidencing the increase in this decade of 58.5 % of kilos per capita consumed within the traditional diet of the Peruvian consumer. The distribution of cookies in a leading Peruvian company in the mass consumption sector is the main subject of this study. Its main objective is to develop a cookie supply chain approach to improve organizational competitiveness. This will be achieved through the use of the PDCA cycle and case study data analysis tools. These tools have been chosen for their adaptability and their ability to identify deficiencies in the chain, which can have a noticeable effect on customer satisfaction and company competitive metrics in the Peruvian biscuit industry. The improvement proposal applied when evaluated economically has proven to be viable and profitable, with an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 30.71% and a Net Present Value (NPV) of 46,779.54 soles. These results clearly indicate that the offer is profitable, as the NPV is greater than zero and the IRR exceeds the relevant marginal interest rate of 8.45%. This financial evaluation supports the effectiveness of the proposal and its ability to generate economic benefits. In summary, this research highlights how crucial data collection and analysis are for decision making and continuous supply chain optimization. The application of the PDCA methodology and other strategies has proven to be effective in optimizing logistics management and reducing costs. Economic results support the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the proposals, which reinforces their ability to generate value in the organization and improve customer satisfaction.
The cookie category presents mass consumption products, currently, 64% of Peruvians replace a main dish with a cookie or some other snack (Condor, 2022). During the last decade of 2019, it could be observed that the consumption of cookies in the country has grown between the years 2009 and 2019 having an increase from 1.7 kg (INEI, 2009) to 4.1 kg (ALICORP, 2019) per capita thus evidencing the increase in this decade of 58.5 % of kilos per capita consumed within the traditional diet of the Peruvian consumer. The distribution of cookies in a leading Peruvian company in the mass consumption sector is the main subject of this study. Its main objective is to develop a cookie supply chain approach to improve organizational competitiveness. This will be achieved through the use of the PDCA cycle and case study data analysis tools. These tools have been chosen for their adaptability and their ability to identify deficiencies in the chain, which can have a noticeable effect on customer satisfaction and company competitive metrics in the Peruvian biscuit industry. The improvement proposal applied when evaluated economically has proven to be viable and profitable, with an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 30.71% and a Net Present Value (NPV) of 46,779.54 soles. These results clearly indicate that the offer is profitable, as the NPV is greater than zero and the IRR exceeds the relevant marginal interest rate of 8.45%. This financial evaluation supports the effectiveness of the proposal and its ability to generate economic benefits. In summary, this research highlights how crucial data collection and analysis are for decision making and continuous supply chain optimization. The application of the PDCA methodology and other strategies has proven to be effective in optimizing logistics management and reducing costs. Economic results support the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the proposals, which reinforces their ability to generate value in the organization and improve customer satisfaction.
Palabras clave
Industria de galletas, Control de procesos--Mejoramiento, Procesos de manufactura--Control de calidad