Procrastinación crónica y ansiedad estado-rasgo en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente estudio tuvo como finalidad describir la relación entre la Procrastinación Crónica y la Ansiedad Estado-Rasgo, en una muestra de 118 estudiantes (M=22.37 años; DE= 1,5) de una universidad particular de Lima metropolitana. De manera secundaria, se buscó conocer la relación entre cada uno de estos constructos y la condición de tiempo de residencia en Lima, sexo y trabajo, así como la interacción de ambas variables con los aspectos sociodemográficos. La evaluación de la Procrastinación se llevó a cabo con el Inventario de Procrastinación para Adultos (Mc Cown & Johnson, 1989), la Escala de Procrastinación General (Lay, 1986) y el Cuestionario de Procrastinación en la Toma de Decisiones (Mann, 1982); para la Ansiedad se utilizaron las escalas Ansiedad-Estado y Ansiedad-Rasgo (IDARE) (Spielberger, Gorsuch & Lushene, 1970). Los resultados revelaron asociaciones fuertes y significativas entre Ansiedad Rasgo-Estado y procrastinación crónica. Asimismo, se hallaron diferencias en las escalas de Ansiedad Estado y Rasgo en función de las variables sexo y trabajo, siendo las mujeres y quienes no trabajan aquellos que presentan puntuaciones más altas. Finalmente, se encontró una asociación positiva y significativa entre Procrastinación y Ansiedad Rasgo-Estado en hombres así como en quienes trabajan.
This study aimed to describe the relationship between chronic procrastination and State-Trait Anxiety in a sample of 118 students (M = 22.37 years, SD = 1.5) from a private university in Lima. Secondarily, it sought to determine the relationship between each of these constructs and the condition of length of residence in Lima, sex and work, as well as the association among Procrastination and Anxiety with sociodemographic variables. Chronic procrastination was assessed with the Adult Inventory of Procrastination (McCown & Johnson, 1989), General Procrastination Scale (Lay, 1986) and the Decisional Procrastination Scale (Mann, 1982). The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) (Spielberger, Gorsuch & Lushene, 1970) was used for anxiety. Results revealed strong and significant associations between State-Trait Anxiety and chronic procrastination. Differences were found in State and Trait Anxiety scales depending on sex and work, where women and those who do not work showed higher scores. Finally, a positive and significant association was found between Chronic Procrastination and State-Trait Anxiety in men as well as in those who work.
This study aimed to describe the relationship between chronic procrastination and State-Trait Anxiety in a sample of 118 students (M = 22.37 years, SD = 1.5) from a private university in Lima. Secondarily, it sought to determine the relationship between each of these constructs and the condition of length of residence in Lima, sex and work, as well as the association among Procrastination and Anxiety with sociodemographic variables. Chronic procrastination was assessed with the Adult Inventory of Procrastination (McCown & Johnson, 1989), General Procrastination Scale (Lay, 1986) and the Decisional Procrastination Scale (Mann, 1982). The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) (Spielberger, Gorsuch & Lushene, 1970) was used for anxiety. Results revealed strong and significant associations between State-Trait Anxiety and chronic procrastination. Differences were found in State and Trait Anxiety scales depending on sex and work, where women and those who do not work showed higher scores. Finally, a positive and significant association was found between Chronic Procrastination and State-Trait Anxiety in men as well as in those who work.
Palabras clave
Postergación (Psicología), Estudiantes universitarios--Investigaciones, Ansiedad
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