Propuesta de mejora del entorno de control en el proceso de exportación de productos hidrobiológicos en la empresa Zafiro S.A.C.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Realizar la gestión exitosamente de una empresa está relacionada con los controles que
se debe aplicar en cada área y ser supervisados por la gerencia, es por ello que el
entorno de control es uno de los primeros componentes que se debe evaluar dentro de
cada organización para obtener resultados óptimos y verídicos. Sin embargo, muchas
empresas grandes y pequeñas no tienen en cuenta el entorno de control que debe ser
aplicado en cada proceso. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal proponer la
mejora del entorno de control en un proceso de exportación de productos
hidrobiológicos. La problemática se abordó mediante una investigación cualitativa,
basado en un caso de estudio de una empresa exportadora. Se realizó la recopilación
de datos mediante revisión documentaria, entrevistas y cuestionarios que fue dirigido al
personal de la empresa. Asimismo, se determinaron las bases donde no se está
aplicando los componentes del entorno de control que afectan directamente al negocio
principal de la empresa siendo así el proceso de exportación, y con ello los resultados
que se desea. Al tener un entorno de control sólido se puede obtener operaciones
eficientes y éticas, desde el ingreso de la materia prima hasta la exportación del
producto final, gestionando así los riesgos de manera oportuna como los retrasos en los
procesos de producción, productos terminados defectuosos, pérdida de clientes,
teniendo en cuenta que todo se encuentra influenciado por la forma de gestión y
configuración de este componente clave del control interno.
Successfully managing a company is related to the controls that must be applied in each area and supervised by management, which is why the control environment is one of the first components that must be evaluated within each organization. to obtain optimal and true results. However, many large and small companies do not consider the control environment that must be applied in each process. The main objective of this research is to propose the improvement of the control environment in a process of exporting hydrobiological products. The problem was addressed through qualitative research, based on a case study of an exporting company. Data collection was carried out through documentary review, interviews and questionnaires that were directed to the company's personnel. Likewise, the bases were determined where the components of the control environment that directly affect the main business of the company are not being applied, being thus the export process, and with it the desired results. By having a solid control environment, you can obtain efficient and ethical operations, from the entry of raw materials to the export of the final product, thus managing risks in a timely manner such as delays in production processes, defective finished products, loss of finished products. of clients, taking into account that everything is influenced by the way this key component of internal control is managed and configured.
Successfully managing a company is related to the controls that must be applied in each area and supervised by management, which is why the control environment is one of the first components that must be evaluated within each organization. to obtain optimal and true results. However, many large and small companies do not consider the control environment that must be applied in each process. The main objective of this research is to propose the improvement of the control environment in a process of exporting hydrobiological products. The problem was addressed through qualitative research, based on a case study of an exporting company. Data collection was carried out through documentary review, interviews and questionnaires that were directed to the company's personnel. Likewise, the bases were determined where the components of the control environment that directly affect the main business of the company are not being applied, being thus the export process, and with it the desired results. By having a solid control environment, you can obtain efficient and ethical operations, from the entry of raw materials to the export of the final product, thus managing risks in a timely manner such as delays in production processes, defective finished products, loss of finished products. of clients, taking into account that everything is influenced by the way this key component of internal control is managed and configured.
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