Las Organizaciones de Usuarios de Agua y el Estado como garante de la prestación privada de suministro de agua
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo expone el marco jurídico especial que regula a las
Organizaciones de Usuarios de Agua (OUA). Identifica cual es la naturaleza
jurídica que ostentan, los órganos que la integran y la función que cumplen
relacionada con la prestación de servicio de abastecimiento del recurso hídrico
a los usuarios de agua.
Por otra parte, se desarrolla el impacto generado a las OUA, por la declaratoria
del estado de emergencia sanitaria y la restricción de derechos constitucionales
que no permitían que las asociaciones pueden renovar el consejo directivo,
corriendo el riesgo de una acefalía, afectando de esa manera la continuidad del
servicio de abastecimiento de agua, cuya actividad es de interés general.
Así también, se desarrolla otra problemática suscitada durante el proceso para
la elección de los integrantes del comité de dirección de las OUA, centrándose
especialmente en la Junta de Usuarios de Agua, quienes se encuentran a cargo
de administrar el recurso hídrico y operar la infraestructura hidráulica, cuya
titularidad ostenta el Estado, pero que se agencia del privado para poder
abastecer a la población, especialmente en las zonas rurales, donde el sector
público no puede acceder.
El objetivo de esta actividad es poder dar a conocer el rol que ejercer las OUA.
La relación que tales organizaciones mantienen con el Estado. La problemática
que existe en la esfera interna y la ausencia de una regulación especial que
establezca soluciones a efecto de evitar la falta de representatividad.
This paper presents the special legal framework that regulates the Water Users' Organizations (WUO). It identifies their legal nature, the bodies that comprise them and their function related to the provision of water supply services to water users. On the other hand, it develops the impact generated to the WUOs, by the declaration of the state of sanitary emergency and the restriction of constitutional rights that did not allow the associations to renew the board of directors, running the risk of an acephaly, thus affecting the continuity of the water supply service, whose activity is of general interest. Another problem that arose during the process for the election of the members of the WUO's steering committee is also developed, focusing especially on the Water Users' Board, which is in charge of managing the water resource and operating the hydraulic infrastructure, whose ownership is held by the State, but which relies on the private sector to supply the population, especially in rural areas, where the public sector cannot have access to it. The objective of this activity is to make known the role played by the WUO. The relationship that such organizations maintain with the State. The problems that exist in the internal sphere and the absence of a special regulation that establishes solutions in order to avoid the lack of representativeness.
This paper presents the special legal framework that regulates the Water Users' Organizations (WUO). It identifies their legal nature, the bodies that comprise them and their function related to the provision of water supply services to water users. On the other hand, it develops the impact generated to the WUOs, by the declaration of the state of sanitary emergency and the restriction of constitutional rights that did not allow the associations to renew the board of directors, running the risk of an acephaly, thus affecting the continuity of the water supply service, whose activity is of general interest. Another problem that arose during the process for the election of the members of the WUO's steering committee is also developed, focusing especially on the Water Users' Board, which is in charge of managing the water resource and operating the hydraulic infrastructure, whose ownership is held by the State, but which relies on the private sector to supply the population, especially in rural areas, where the public sector cannot have access to it. The objective of this activity is to make known the role played by the WUO. The relationship that such organizations maintain with the State. The problems that exist in the internal sphere and the absence of a special regulation that establishes solutions in order to avoid the lack of representativeness.
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