Influencia del programa “LudiSílabas” en el desarrollo de la conciencia fonológica en niños de cuatro años de edad de una institución educativa estatal
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo demostrar que el Programa “LudiSílabas” es
efectivo para el desarrollo de la conciencia fonológica en niños de cuatro años de edad. El método
que se empleó sigue un diseño cuasi-experimental, con un muestreo de tipo no probabilístico,
utilizando como muestra a dos grupos, un grupo experimental y un grupo control. Al grupo
experimental se le aplicó el programa de entrenamiento “LudiSílabas”; mientras el grupo control no
recibió intervención. En ambos grupos se les aplicó un pre y un post Test de Habilidades
Metalingüísticas (THM), en donde se evaluaron las tareas de sensibilidad fonológica, segmentación,
supresión y adición silábica, en el nivel de rimas y a nivel silábico, facilitando el desarrollo de la
conciencia fonológica como predictor importante de la lectura. Los resultados demuestran que se
comprobaron las hipótesis planteadas, que el grupo experimental mejoró significativamente, mientras
que en el grupo control no se apreciaron avances significativos, estas se pudieron verificar a través
del instrumento de evaluación, realizadas al inicio (pretest) y al final (postest) del Progama
“LudiSílabas”. En conclusión, el Programa “LudiSílabas” es una herramienta útil que al ser aplicado
de forma sistemática mejora las tareas de la conciencia fonológica.
The objective of this research is to demonstrate that the "LudiSílabas" Program is effective for the development of phonological awareness in four-year-old children. The method that was used follows a quasi-experimental design, with a sampling of non-probabilistic type, using as sample two groups, an experimental group and a control group. The training program "LudiSílabas" was applied to the experimental group; while the control group did not receive intervention. In both groups a pre and a Post Test of Metalinguistic Skills (THM) were applied, in which the tasks of phonological sensitivity, segmentation, suppression and syllabic addition were evaluated, at the level of rhymes and at syllabic level, facilitating the development of the phonological awareness as an important predictor of reading. The results show that the hypotheses were verified, that the experimental group improved significantly, while in the control group no significant advances were observed, these could be verified through the evaluation instrument, carried out at the beginning (pretest) and at the end (posttest) of the "LudiSílabas" Program. In conclusion, the "LudiSílabas" Program is a useful tool that, when applied systematically, improves the tasks of phonological awareness.
The objective of this research is to demonstrate that the "LudiSílabas" Program is effective for the development of phonological awareness in four-year-old children. The method that was used follows a quasi-experimental design, with a sampling of non-probabilistic type, using as sample two groups, an experimental group and a control group. The training program "LudiSílabas" was applied to the experimental group; while the control group did not receive intervention. In both groups a pre and a Post Test of Metalinguistic Skills (THM) were applied, in which the tasks of phonological sensitivity, segmentation, suppression and syllabic addition were evaluated, at the level of rhymes and at syllabic level, facilitating the development of the phonological awareness as an important predictor of reading. The results show that the hypotheses were verified, that the experimental group improved significantly, while in the control group no significant advances were observed, these could be verified through the evaluation instrument, carried out at the beginning (pretest) and at the end (posttest) of the "LudiSílabas" Program. In conclusion, the "LudiSílabas" Program is a useful tool that, when applied systematically, improves the tasks of phonological awareness.
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