La corroboración de la declaración del colaborador eficaz para tener por cierto un determinado hecho en una decisión de prisión preventiva
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como propósito brindar algunos criterios
dogmáticos de orden procesal para identificar el estándar de corroboración de
las declaraciones de los colaboradores eficaces, a fin de adoptar una decisión
de prisión preventiva en el marco de un proceso penal -democrático.
Bajo esa línea de pensamiento, se pretende explicar la evolución histórica
legislativa de la colaboración eficaz, además, se definen los conceptos y reglas
de tratamiento de este proceso penal especial; así como también se plantea los
alcances del deber de motivación de las resoluciones judiciales por parte de los
órganos jurisdiccionales en el marco del dictado de la medida cautelar como es
la prisión preventiva.
En seguida, se explica algunos alcances de la prisión preventiva, sus métodos
y sistemas de valoración de la prueba, para luego aterrizar en el análisis de la
valoración de la declaración del aspirante a colaborador eficaz, con el propósito
de verificar su fundabilidad o no de la prisión preventiva como medida más
intensa, sin perder de vista su aplicación excepcional.
Finalmente, se afirma que para emplear la declaración del aspirante a
colaborador eficaz como un elemento que justifique la adopción de la prisión
preventiva se plantea un estándar de corroboración conforme a los parámetros
razonables, objetivos, mínimos y periféricos, sobre la base de los criterios de
persistencia, coherencia, homogeneidad y verosimilitud, analizados dentro del
mismo proceso de colaboración eficaz en el interior de un Estado Derecho
The purpose of this investigation is to provide some dogmatic criteria of a procedural order to identify the standard of corroboration of the statements of effective collaborators, in order to adopt a decision of preventive detention in the framework of a criminal-democratic process. Under this line of thought, it is intended to explain the historical legislative evolution of effective collaboration, in addition, the concepts and rules of treatment of this special criminal process are defined; as well as the scope of the duty of motivation of judicial decisions by the jurisdictional bodies within the framework of the issuance of the precautionary measure such as preventive detention. Next, some scope of pretrial detention, its methods and systems for evaluating the evidence are explained, to then land on the analysis of the evaluation of the declaration of the applicant for effective collaborator, with the purpose of verifying its foundability or not of preventive detention as the most intense measure, without losing sight of its exceptional application. Finally, it is affirmed that in order to use the statement of the aspiring effective collaborator as an element that justifies the preventive detention measure, it must have a standard of corroboration according to reasonable, minimum and peripheral parameters, and based on the criteria of persistence, coherence, homogeneity and plausibility, analyzed within the same process of effective collaboration.
The purpose of this investigation is to provide some dogmatic criteria of a procedural order to identify the standard of corroboration of the statements of effective collaborators, in order to adopt a decision of preventive detention in the framework of a criminal-democratic process. Under this line of thought, it is intended to explain the historical legislative evolution of effective collaboration, in addition, the concepts and rules of treatment of this special criminal process are defined; as well as the scope of the duty of motivation of judicial decisions by the jurisdictional bodies within the framework of the issuance of the precautionary measure such as preventive detention. Next, some scope of pretrial detention, its methods and systems for evaluating the evidence are explained, to then land on the analysis of the evaluation of the declaration of the applicant for effective collaborator, with the purpose of verifying its foundability or not of preventive detention as the most intense measure, without losing sight of its exceptional application. Finally, it is affirmed that in order to use the statement of the aspiring effective collaborator as an element that justifies the preventive detention measure, it must have a standard of corroboration according to reasonable, minimum and peripheral parameters, and based on the criteria of persistence, coherence, homogeneity and plausibility, analyzed within the same process of effective collaboration.
Palabras clave
Derecho procesal penal--Perú, Responsabilidad penal--Perú, Detención preventiva--Perú