La vulneración de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad mental o psicosocial en el marco de la regulación del internamiento involuntario en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo busca determinar que el internamiento involuntario es lesivo
para los derechos de las personas con discapacidad mental tal así que vulnera
el derecho a la libertad personal, derecho a la salud y a la vida independiente,
lo cual dista del objetivo terapéutico bajo el cual es implementado y que logra
más bien, dificultar su inserción en la sociedad.
Esto se ejemplifica a partir de numerosos casos que son abordados en la
jurisprudencia nacional e internacional que demuestran que el internamiento sin
consentimiento de la persona con discapacidad puede ocasionarle graves
daños a su persona hasta causarle la muerte.
En el Perú, se encuentra regulado bajo la casual de emergencia psiquiátrica,
sin embargo, los casos que han sido desvelados en el fuero interno no cumplen
con el parámetro, generando indicios de falsos positivos que los centros de
salud aprueban a propósito y estarían operando fuera del marco de la ley.
A partir de esto, se busca implementar medidas de acción alternativas que
garanticen la efectividad de sus derechos con la óptica del modelo social
impregnado en la Convención de Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad
y herramientas extralegales como son los apoyos comunitarios, la prohibición
de el internamiento involuntario y el desarrollo de políticas públicas.
The present work seeks to determine that involuntary hospitalization is harmful to the rights of people with disabilities because it violates the right to personal freedom, right to health and independent life, which is different from the therapeutic objective for it is implemented. This is exemplified by the numerous cases in national and international jurisprudence that demonstrate that internment without consent of the person with disability can causes serious damage to own integrity or death. In Peru, it is regulated under the casualty of a psychiatric emergency, however, the cases that have been revealed in the internal forum do not comply with the parameter, generating indications of false positives that the health centers approve on purpose and would be operating. outside the framework of the law. In conclusion I propose to implement alternative action measures that guarantee the effectiveness of their rights under the social model of Convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities as well as extralegal tools that help in their execution like help community, the prohibition of involuntary internment and politic publics
The present work seeks to determine that involuntary hospitalization is harmful to the rights of people with disabilities because it violates the right to personal freedom, right to health and independent life, which is different from the therapeutic objective for it is implemented. This is exemplified by the numerous cases in national and international jurisprudence that demonstrate that internment without consent of the person with disability can causes serious damage to own integrity or death. In Peru, it is regulated under the casualty of a psychiatric emergency, however, the cases that have been revealed in the internal forum do not comply with the parameter, generating indications of false positives that the health centers approve on purpose and would be operating. outside the framework of the law. In conclusion I propose to implement alternative action measures that guarantee the effectiveness of their rights under the social model of Convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities as well as extralegal tools that help in their execution like help community, the prohibition of involuntary internment and politic publics
Palabras clave
Personas con discapacidad mental--Perú, Enfermos mentales--Reclusión y detención, Libertad (Derecho)--Legislación--Perú