Diseño de un Sistema Integral de Gestión de Ciberseguridad, basado en los controles de seguridad CIS 18, en la Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga, Ayacucho, 2023
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La investigación se centra en el diagnóstico de Ciberseguridad, basado en los
Controles CIS 18, el cual engloba una base de buenas prácticas que permiten a las
organizaciones conocer la postura de seguridad frente a las ciber amenazas
actuales, en este trabajo específico se aborda el diagnóstico de ciberseguridad en la
Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga (UNSCH). Los resultados del
diagnóstico permiten plantear un plan de acción que proveerá una ruta estratégica y
operativa de modo que la UNSCH fortalezca su sistema de gestión de seguridad de
la información.
Determinar cuáles son las brechas ya sea nivel de gestión o a nivel operativo en las
organizaciones suele ser una labor que involucra un despliegue en términos de
capacidad operativa, tanto de personal interno a la organización como de quienes
realizan el diagnóstico. Esta investigación ha involucrado estas actividades de
diagnóstico y se ha realizado con el apoyo del personal de tecnologías de la UNSCH.
This research focuses on the diagnosis of Cybersecurity, based on the CIS 18 Controls, which encompasses a base of best good practices that allow organizations to know the security posture against current cyber threats, in this specific work the diagnosis of cybersecurity at the National University of San Cristobal de Huamanga (UNSCH) is addressed. The results of the diagnosis allow to propose an action plan that will provide a strategic and operational path so that the UNSCH strengthens its information security management system. Determining which are the gaps at either management or operational level in organizations is usually a task that involves a deployment in terms of operational capacity, both of internal staff and of those who perform the diagnosis. This research has involved these diagnostic activities and has been carried out with the support of UNSCH technology staff.
This research focuses on the diagnosis of Cybersecurity, based on the CIS 18 Controls, which encompasses a base of best good practices that allow organizations to know the security posture against current cyber threats, in this specific work the diagnosis of cybersecurity at the National University of San Cristobal de Huamanga (UNSCH) is addressed. The results of the diagnosis allow to propose an action plan that will provide a strategic and operational path so that the UNSCH strengthens its information security management system. Determining which are the gaps at either management or operational level in organizations is usually a task that involves a deployment in terms of operational capacity, both of internal staff and of those who perform the diagnosis. This research has involved these diagnostic activities and has been carried out with the support of UNSCH technology staff.