La importancia del marketing y la comunicación estratégica para la realización y difusión de un videoclip: el caso “Explotar contigo” de la banda peruana Tourista
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El videoclip es considerado un medio de promoción para la música; sin embargo, ¿qué procesos
posibilitan que pueda cumplir su función principal de ayudar en la difusión de una banda? Para
dar respuesta a esta pregunta se recurre a estudiar un caso modelo que sirve como referente de lo
se podría aplicar en la realización y difusión de un videoclip para tener resultados satisfactorios.
De este modo, el caso elegido es el videoclip “Explotar Contigo”, de la banda peruana Tourista.
El objetivo es corroborar si se recurrió al uso del marketing y de la comunicación estratégica como
herramienta principal de esta, para la realización y difusión del videoclip. La investigación se
realiza desde la metodología cualitativa, concretamente a través del estudio de caso, para la cual
se emplea dos técnicas de recojo de información. La primera, consiste en entrevistas a
profundidad, semiestructuradas, dirigidas a los integrantes de la banda, su representante y
especialistas en marketing aplicado a la música y el funcionamiento del mercado musical peruano.
De esta manera, mediante la información recolectada, se conocen de cerca los procesos de
marketing y comunicación implementados alrededor del videoclip. La segunda técnica empleada
es el análisis del videoclip y de los comentarios del público en la red social de YouTube. Esto
permite conocer cuáles son las características propias del videoclip como producto, es decir, qué
lo llevó a tener un gran número de visualizaciones, a su vez analizar la reacción del público para
determinar si los resultados fueron positivos en su mayoría o no. Con todo ello, los resultados de
la investigación dejan en evidencia la importancia de la implementación de estrategias de
marketing y comunicación para la realización y difusión de un videoclip.
Videoclip is considered a means of promotion for music; However, what processes enable it to fulfill its main function of helping in the diffusion of a band? To answer this question, we resort to studying a model case that serves as a reference of what could be applied in the making and dissemination of a videoclip to have satisfactory results. Thus, the chosen case is the videoclip “Explotar Contigo”, by the Peruvian band Tourista. The objective is to corroborate whether it used a marketing and communication strategy as its main tool, for the production and dissemination of the videoclip. The research is carried out from the qualitative methodology, specifically through the case study, for which two information gathering techniques are used. The first consists of indepth, semi-structured interviews, directed to the members of the band, their representative and marketing specialists applied to music and the operation of the Peruvian music market. In this way, through the information collected, the marketing and communication processes implemented around the videoclip are closely known. The second technique used is the analysis of the videoclip and the comments of the public on the YouTube social network. This allows to know what are the characteristics of the videoclip as a product, that is, what led it to have a large number of views, in turn analyze the reaction of the public to determine if the results were mostly positive or not. With all this, the results of the research show the importance of the implementation of marketing and communication strategies for the production and dissemination of a videoclip.
Videoclip is considered a means of promotion for music; However, what processes enable it to fulfill its main function of helping in the diffusion of a band? To answer this question, we resort to studying a model case that serves as a reference of what could be applied in the making and dissemination of a videoclip to have satisfactory results. Thus, the chosen case is the videoclip “Explotar Contigo”, by the Peruvian band Tourista. The objective is to corroborate whether it used a marketing and communication strategy as its main tool, for the production and dissemination of the videoclip. The research is carried out from the qualitative methodology, specifically through the case study, for which two information gathering techniques are used. The first consists of indepth, semi-structured interviews, directed to the members of the band, their representative and marketing specialists applied to music and the operation of the Peruvian music market. In this way, through the information collected, the marketing and communication processes implemented around the videoclip are closely known. The second technique used is the analysis of the videoclip and the comments of the public on the YouTube social network. This allows to know what are the characteristics of the videoclip as a product, that is, what led it to have a large number of views, in turn analyze the reaction of the public to determine if the results were mostly positive or not. With all this, the results of the research show the importance of the implementation of marketing and communication strategies for the production and dissemination of a videoclip.
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