Estudio de caso de una niña de 3 años, 3 meses con retraso de lenguaje
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El lenguaje es una facultad importante ya que permite a las personas expresarse en diferentes ámbitos de su
vida. Sin embargo, en la actualidad, el nuevo ritmo de vida que llevan las personas adultas, las dirigen a buscar
medios tecnológicos que faciliten su vida diaria como padres y como profesionales, afectando un adecuado
desarrollo en sus hijos y creando hábitos que dificultan la adquisición del lenguaje. El objetivo del presente
estudio de caso es diseñar un plan de evaluación e intervención acorde a las necesidades que presenta una
niña de 3 años, 3 meses con retraso de lenguaje. El retraso de lenguaje afecta a todos los componentes en su
dimensión expresiva, evidenciando un perfil lingüístico por debajo de su edad cronológica. Se sigue el modelo
denominado modelo del Medio o Híbrido con el cual se estimuló a la niña a generar respuestas de manera
espontánea mediante actividades lúdicas. Los resultados evidencian un incremento de su vocabulario
expresivo en las categorías semánticas trabajadas. Logró identificar y verbalizar oraciones simples con la
estructura S+V+O y la emisión de palabras de 3 y 4 sílabas respetando su metría. Se concluye que el plan de
intervención aplicado permitió a la niña mostrar avances en los componentes léxico semántico, morfosintáctico
y fonético-fonológico.
Language is an important faculty because it allows people to express themselves in different areas of their life. However, nowadays, due to the new rhythm of life, adults seek technological means that make their daily life as parents and as professionals easier. This carries in a problem which affects adequate development in their children and creates habits that make it difficult to acquire language. The objective of this research is to design an evaluation and intervention plan according to the needs of a 3- year-old, 3-month-old girl who suffers from a language delay. Language delay affects all components in their expressive dimension, exposing a linguistic profile below her chronological age. The Medium or Hybrid model was the model to encourage the girl generate responses spontaneously through playful activities. The results show an increase in her expressive vocabulary in the semantic categories worked. She was also able to identify and verbalize simple sentences with the structure S + V + O and the emission of words of 3 and 4 syllables respecting their metrics. It is concluded that the intervention plan applied allowed the girl to show improvement in the lexical-semantic, morphosyntactic and phonetic phonological components.
Language is an important faculty because it allows people to express themselves in different areas of their life. However, nowadays, due to the new rhythm of life, adults seek technological means that make their daily life as parents and as professionals easier. This carries in a problem which affects adequate development in their children and creates habits that make it difficult to acquire language. The objective of this research is to design an evaluation and intervention plan according to the needs of a 3- year-old, 3-month-old girl who suffers from a language delay. Language delay affects all components in their expressive dimension, exposing a linguistic profile below her chronological age. The Medium or Hybrid model was the model to encourage the girl generate responses spontaneously through playful activities. The results show an increase in her expressive vocabulary in the semantic categories worked. She was also able to identify and verbalize simple sentences with the structure S + V + O and the emission of words of 3 and 4 syllables respecting their metrics. It is concluded that the intervention plan applied allowed the girl to show improvement in the lexical-semantic, morphosyntactic and phonetic phonological components.
Palabras clave
Transtornos de habla en niños--Evaluación--Estudio de casos, Niños--Lenguaje, Trastornos del aprendizaje (Educación)