Factores limitantes de la viabilidad social de proyectos mineros, el caso del reasentamiento de la comunidad campesina de Fuerabamba, distrito de Chalhuahuacho, provincia de Cotabambas, departamento de Apurimac del proyecto minero Las Bambas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación pretende describir lo sucedido en el ámbito de influencia
del proyecto minero Las Bambas, la inversión más importante del país y permite
aproximar un análisis de esta realidad, para entender los factores importantes de la
viabilidad social del proyecto minero Las Bambas, en vista de los efectos y
consecuencias del proceso de reasentamiento que ha acontecido en la comunidad
campesina de Fuerabamba y la evaluación de proceso de la implementación del
Fondo de Adelanto Social que la empresa minera llama Programa de Restitución de
Medios de Vida, refrendado en un convenio marco de acuerdos y compromisos
suscritos notarialmente con la comunidad de Fuerabamba, en los años 2010 y
El objetivo de la presente investigación es generar propuestas alternativas para
hacer ajustes y mejoras en la intervención realizada por la empresa minera,
detectando dificultades en la programación, administración, distribución, control e
implementación del proyecto de reasentamiento de la comunidad campesina de
La tesis presentada es importante porque permitirá analizar de manera objetiva y
metódica los factores limitantes de la viabilidad social del proyecto minero Las
Bambas, a partir de los alcances del proyecto de reasentamiento, el fondo de
adelanto social y la percepción que tienen los comuneros en torno al
reasentamiento de la comunidad en el Nuevo Fuerabamba y en el fundo Yavi Yavi.
El proceso de reasentamiento en las Bambas se desarrolló progresivamente y por
etapas, se inició con la definición del alcance y metodología del desplazamiento,
luego se diseñó el plan de reasentamiento y compromisos, seguidamente se
propendió al cumplimento de los acuerdos y proceso de transferencia, y finalmente
se planteó un programa de restauración de medios de vida, todo esto teóricamente,
pero después se ha visto contrastado con la realidad, a raíz de las movilizaciones
sociales y paros organizados por la propia comunidad campesina de Fuerabamba,
que ha escalado a toda la provincia de Cotabambas, llegando inclusive a involucrar
a todo el corredor minero. Teniendo como única respuesta de parte del gobierno
central, la “declaratoria de estado de emergencia” por más de un año, sumada a la
criminalización de la protesta, violentando derechos humanos de comunidades
campesinas. El estudio realizado aborda un análisis crítico de estas acciones desarrolladas por
los tres actores determinantes: la comunidad campesina de Fuerabamba, el Estado,
representado por los gobiernos de turno, y la propia empresa minera Las Bambas;
identificando en específico, los factores limitantes para el proceso de
reasentamiento que ha llevado a este nivel de controversia e inclusive que ha
puesto en riesgo la continuidad de la explotación minera.
This research aims to describe what happened in the area of influence of Las Bambas mining project -the most important investment project in Peru- and allow us to provide a rough analysis of the situation in order to understand the relevant factors regarding the social feasibility of Las Bambas mining project, given the effects and consequences of the resettlement process taking place in the peasant community of Fuerabamba and the evaluation of the implementation process of the Social Advancement Fund, known by the mining company as Restitution of Livelihoods Program, endorsed within a framework arrangement of Agreements and Commitments legally signed with the community of Fuerabamba in 2010 and 2014. The objective of this paper is to produce alternative proposals to make adjustments and improvements on the intervention carried out by the mining company, identifying problems in the scheduling, administration, distribution, control and implementation of the Fuerabamba community’s resettlement project. This research is important because it will allow, in an objective and methodical fashion, the analysis of those factors that constrain the social feasibility of Las Bambas mining project based on the scope of the resettlement project, the social advancement fund, and the perception of the community members regarding the resettlement of the community in Nuevo Fuerabamba and the Yavi Yavi country estate. The resettlement process in Las Bambas took place gradually and by stages. It began defining the scope and the methodology of the relocation. Afterwards, the resettlement plan and the commitments were designed followed by the facilitation of the complying of the agreements and the transfer process. Finally, a livelihood restoration program - a theoretical one- was put forward. Later, this has undergone a reality check in view of the social mobilizations and strikes organized by the Fuerabamba community itself, a social phenomenon that has escalated throughout the Cotabambas province, even involving the entire mining corridor. The only answer on the part of the central government has been the “declaration of the state of emergency” for over a year coupled with the criminalization of protest, violating in this way the peasant communities’ human rights This paper addresses a critical analysis of the actions developed by the three most relevant actors: the community of Fuerabamba; the State, represented by the current government; and Las Bambas mining company specifically identifying the constraining factors preventing the resettlement process that have led to this level of conflict jeopardizing the sustainability of the mining activity itself
This research aims to describe what happened in the area of influence of Las Bambas mining project -the most important investment project in Peru- and allow us to provide a rough analysis of the situation in order to understand the relevant factors regarding the social feasibility of Las Bambas mining project, given the effects and consequences of the resettlement process taking place in the peasant community of Fuerabamba and the evaluation of the implementation process of the Social Advancement Fund, known by the mining company as Restitution of Livelihoods Program, endorsed within a framework arrangement of Agreements and Commitments legally signed with the community of Fuerabamba in 2010 and 2014. The objective of this paper is to produce alternative proposals to make adjustments and improvements on the intervention carried out by the mining company, identifying problems in the scheduling, administration, distribution, control and implementation of the Fuerabamba community’s resettlement project. This research is important because it will allow, in an objective and methodical fashion, the analysis of those factors that constrain the social feasibility of Las Bambas mining project based on the scope of the resettlement project, the social advancement fund, and the perception of the community members regarding the resettlement of the community in Nuevo Fuerabamba and the Yavi Yavi country estate. The resettlement process in Las Bambas took place gradually and by stages. It began defining the scope and the methodology of the relocation. Afterwards, the resettlement plan and the commitments were designed followed by the facilitation of the complying of the agreements and the transfer process. Finally, a livelihood restoration program - a theoretical one- was put forward. Later, this has undergone a reality check in view of the social mobilizations and strikes organized by the Fuerabamba community itself, a social phenomenon that has escalated throughout the Cotabambas province, even involving the entire mining corridor. The only answer on the part of the central government has been the “declaration of the state of emergency” for over a year coupled with the criminalization of protest, violating in this way the peasant communities’ human rights This paper addresses a critical analysis of the actions developed by the three most relevant actors: the community of Fuerabamba; the State, represented by the current government; and Las Bambas mining company specifically identifying the constraining factors preventing the resettlement process that have led to this level of conflict jeopardizing the sustainability of the mining activity itself
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