Estudio de caso de un niño de 5 años 8 meses con dificultades en el proceso comprensivo y expresivo del lenguaje
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El lenguaje constituye una de las capacidades humanas más complejas para la formación social y el
aprendizaje; sin embargo, en la actualidad es frecuente encontrar niños en edad escolar con un desarrollo
atípico del lenguaje, lo cual limita la interacción social, la adquisición de nuevas experiencias y el proceso
educativo. El objetivo del presente estudio de caso es diseñar un plan de valoración e intervención acorde
a las necesidades que presenta un niño de 5 años 8 meses con dificultades en el proceso comprensivo y
expresivo del lenguaje con el fin de mejorar sus habilidades lingüísticas. Estas dificultades indican un
retraso en el desarrollo de cada uno de los componentes del lenguaje, que afectan el proceso comprensivo
y expresivo del mismo, evidenciando un perfil lingüístico disminuido para su edad. Se sigue el modelo de
intervención híbrido basado en interacciones entre el adulto y el niño, y se mantiene un control importante
de las actividades y materiales para estimularlo a utilizar conductas lingüísticas específicas de forma
espontánea. Los resultados evidencian un incremento de vocabulario comprensivo y expresivo de las
categorías programadas, así como en la evocación de palabras de determinadas, logros en el
establecimiento de relaciones entre palabras a través de asociaciones y sus respectivas justificaciones,
comprensión en el significado de preguntas abiertas y cerradas, además de mejoras en la identificación y
producción de oraciones complejas, unidas con la conjunción “y”. Se concluye que el plan de intervención
aplicado permitió al niño mostrar avances en los componentes léxico semántico y morfosintáctico
Language is one of the most complex human abilities for social development and learning; however, nowadays it is common to find school-age children with atypical language development, which limits interaction in multiple social situations, the acquisition of new experiences, as well as difficulties in school learning. The aim of this case study is to design an assessment and intervention plan according to the needs of a 5 years and 8 months old boy with difficulties in the comprehension and expression of language in order to improve his linguistic skills. These difficulties refer to a delay in the development of each of the components of language, which affect the expressive and compressive process of language, showing a linguistic profile not expected for his age. The hybrid intervention model is followed, where there are interactions between the adult and the child, and an important control of the activities and materials is maintained to stimulate the child to use specific linguistic behaviors spontaneously. The results show an increase in expressive and comprehensive vocabulary referred to the programmed categories, achievements in the establishment of relationships between words through associations by semantic category and their respective justifications, understanding of the meaning of open and closed questions, as well as improvements in the identification and production of complex sentences, linked with the conjunction "y", as well as in the evocation of words of certain categories. It is concluded that the intervention plan applied allowed the child to show progress in the semantic and morphosyntactic lexical components.
Language is one of the most complex human abilities for social development and learning; however, nowadays it is common to find school-age children with atypical language development, which limits interaction in multiple social situations, the acquisition of new experiences, as well as difficulties in school learning. The aim of this case study is to design an assessment and intervention plan according to the needs of a 5 years and 8 months old boy with difficulties in the comprehension and expression of language in order to improve his linguistic skills. These difficulties refer to a delay in the development of each of the components of language, which affect the expressive and compressive process of language, showing a linguistic profile not expected for his age. The hybrid intervention model is followed, where there are interactions between the adult and the child, and an important control of the activities and materials is maintained to stimulate the child to use specific linguistic behaviors spontaneously. The results show an increase in expressive and comprehensive vocabulary referred to the programmed categories, achievements in the establishment of relationships between words through associations by semantic category and their respective justifications, understanding of the meaning of open and closed questions, as well as improvements in the identification and production of complex sentences, linked with the conjunction "y", as well as in the evocation of words of certain categories. It is concluded that the intervention plan applied allowed the child to show progress in the semantic and morphosyntactic lexical components.
Palabras clave
Trastornos del habla en niños--Estudio de casos, Niños--Lenguaje--Estudio de casos, Trastornos del aprendizaje (Educación)--Estudio de casos