Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución de Consejo Directivo del OSINERGMIN N° 131-2010-OS/CD
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Resolución N° 131-2010-OS/CD, analizada en el presente trabajo, pone fin al
procedimiento administrativo sancionador llevado a cabo por el Organismo
Supervisor de la Inversión en Energía y Minería contra la empresa minera
Southern Peru Copper Corporation, por haber incurrido en infracciones a normas
ambientales. Dicho ello, la finalidad del presente trabajo es ofrecer un análisis
crítico sobre la observancia de los principios de legalidad y debido procedimiento,
límites de la potestad sancionadora de la Administración Pública, en el marco de
dicho procedimiento sancionador. Para tal efecto, se recurrirá a la Ley del
Procedimiento Administrativo General, así como también, a la normativa
sectorial, jurisprudencia y doctrina, que permitirán el adecuado y cabal desarrollo
del objetivo propuesto.
En función del análisis realizado, se argumenta que el organismo regulador ha
vulnerado los principios de legalidad y debido procedimiento, al inobservar las
exigencias formales previstas para la imposición de sanciones, y al no respetar
el procedimiento legalmente establecido, afectando de forma irreparable el
derecho de defensa de la empresa minera. De esta manera, se concluye que la
Resolución N° 131-2010-OS/CD debió declarar la nulidad de todo lo actuado, en
lugar de persistir en la imposición de sanciones en manifiesta contravención a
los principios señalados.
Resolution No. 131-2010-OS/CD, analysed in this paper, puts an end to the administrative sanctioning procedure carried out by the Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Energía y Minería against the mining company Southern Peru Copper Corporation for having incurred in infractions of environmental norms. That said, the purpose of this paper is to offer a critical analysis of the observance of the principles of legality and due process, limits of the sanctioning power of the Public Administration, within the framework of this sanctioning procedure. For this purpose, the General Administrative Procedure Act will be referred to, as well as sectorial regulations, jurisprudence and doctrine, which will allow for the adequate and full development of the proposed objective. Based on the analysis carried out, it is argued that the regulator has violated the principles of legality and due process by failing to comply with the formal requirements for the imposition of sanctions, and by not respecting the legally established procedure, irreparably affecting the mining company's right of defence. Thus, it is concluded that Resolution No. 131-2010-OS/CD should have declared the nullity of all the proceedings, instead of persisting with the imposition of sanctions in clear contravention of the principles mentioned.
Resolution No. 131-2010-OS/CD, analysed in this paper, puts an end to the administrative sanctioning procedure carried out by the Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Energía y Minería against the mining company Southern Peru Copper Corporation for having incurred in infractions of environmental norms. That said, the purpose of this paper is to offer a critical analysis of the observance of the principles of legality and due process, limits of the sanctioning power of the Public Administration, within the framework of this sanctioning procedure. For this purpose, the General Administrative Procedure Act will be referred to, as well as sectorial regulations, jurisprudence and doctrine, which will allow for the adequate and full development of the proposed objective. Based on the analysis carried out, it is argued that the regulator has violated the principles of legality and due process by failing to comply with the formal requirements for the imposition of sanctions, and by not respecting the legally established procedure, irreparably affecting the mining company's right of defence. Thus, it is concluded that Resolution No. 131-2010-OS/CD should have declared the nullity of all the proceedings, instead of persisting with the imposition of sanctions in clear contravention of the principles mentioned.
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