Perfil de la competencia lingüística de niños castellano hablantes de 5 y 6 años aprendices del alemán como segunda lengua en una institución educativa privada de Miraflores
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La adquisición de la primera lengua (L1) determinará los cimientos para el desarrollo
de la segunda lengua (L2), es por ello vital reconocer la importancia de un adecuado
aprendizaje de la primera y facilitar al individuo la apertura a nuevas lenguas y mundos
(Navarro, 2009; Renard, 2000). Es por eso que el objetivo de esta investigación es el
análisis descriptivo del perfil de competencia lingüística en niños castellano hablantes
(L1) de 5 y 6 años, los cuales se encuentran aprendiendo alemán (L2) en una
institución educativa privada de Miraflores, así como las diferencias por género y
sexo. El estudio contó con la participación de 34 niños castellano hablantes y
pertenecientes a la misma institución señalada; asimismo, se excluyó a los niños que
presentaran dificultades neurológicas u otros. El instrumento para evaluar la
competencia lingüística fue la Clinical Evaluation of Lenguaje Fundamentals (CELF-
4), utilizando la versión adaptada para Perú de Huerta, Salas y Zapata (2011). Los
resultados presentaron que la mayoría de los niños puntuaban promedio o por encima
del promedio, así también, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente
significativas entre sexo y edad en las dimensiones de competencia lingüística, a
excepción de conocimiento fonológico según sexo. Se concluye que la competencia
lingüística de la muestra es adecuada para el aprendizaje del alemán (L2).
Finalmente, se recomienda para futuros estudios el uso del mismo instrumento en una
versión abreviada y la posibilidad de ampliar el tamaño de muestra.
The acquisition of the first language (L1) will determine the foundations for the development of the second language (L2), it is therefore vital to recognize the importance of an adequate learning of the first and facilitate the opening to new languages and worlds (Navarro, 2009; Renard, 2000). That is why the objective of this research is the descriptive analysis of the linguistic competence profile in Castilianspeaking children (L1) aged 5 and 6, who are learning German (L2) in a private educational institution in Miraflores, as well as differences by gender and sex. The study had the participation of 34 Spanish-speaking children belonging to the same institution indicated; Likewise, children with neurological or other difficulties were excluded. The instrument to evaluate language competence was the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF-4), using the version adapted for Peru from Huerta, Salas and Zapata (2011). The results showed that most children scored average or above the average, as well, no statistically significant differences were found between sex and age in the dimensions of linguistic competence, except for phonological knowledge according to sex. It is concluded that the linguistic competence of the sample is adequate for learning German (L2). Finally, the use of the same instrument in a shortened version and the possibility of expanding the sample size are recommended for future studies.
The acquisition of the first language (L1) will determine the foundations for the development of the second language (L2), it is therefore vital to recognize the importance of an adequate learning of the first and facilitate the opening to new languages and worlds (Navarro, 2009; Renard, 2000). That is why the objective of this research is the descriptive analysis of the linguistic competence profile in Castilianspeaking children (L1) aged 5 and 6, who are learning German (L2) in a private educational institution in Miraflores, as well as differences by gender and sex. The study had the participation of 34 Spanish-speaking children belonging to the same institution indicated; Likewise, children with neurological or other difficulties were excluded. The instrument to evaluate language competence was the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF-4), using the version adapted for Peru from Huerta, Salas and Zapata (2011). The results showed that most children scored average or above the average, as well, no statistically significant differences were found between sex and age in the dimensions of linguistic competence, except for phonological knowledge according to sex. It is concluded that the linguistic competence of the sample is adequate for learning German (L2). Finally, the use of the same instrument in a shortened version and the possibility of expanding the sample size are recommended for future studies.
Palabras clave
Lenguaje y lenguas--Estudio y enseñanza, Alemán--Estudio y enseñanza, Niños, Bilingüismo
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