Estrés y competencias parentales en madres de hijos con síndrome de Asperger
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las madres de hijos con síndrome de Asperger suelen vivenciar elevados
niveles de estrés parental, incluso más que la mayoría de madres. Además, la
percepción sobre sus propias competencias parentales tiende a ser disminuida. La
literatura muestra una relación inversa entre dichos procesos, los cuales no han sido
investigados en este grupo de madres en nuestro medio. Por ello, el presente estudio
buscó identificar si existe tal relación y cuál era su naturaleza. Las 33 madres que
conformaron la muestra respondieron al Índice de Estrés Parental y a la Escala de
Competencia Parental Percibida. Se hallaron tres correlaciones significativas; una
inversa y dos directas, respectivamente. Las madres que sentían la relación con su hijo
como una escasa fuente de refuerzo positivo, se percibían menos competentes para
brindarle estructura y guía. De otro lado, las madres de hijos con menor habilidad
adaptativa, brindaban mayor tiempo y espacio para conversar y aclarar dudas. Por otra
parte, las madres de hijos con escasa expresión de afectos positivos, percibían estar más
adaptadas al hecho de tener un hijo. Respecto a variables sociodemográficas, las madres
divorciadas o separadas reportaron menor capacidad para la crianza, mayor aislamiento,
más síntomas depresivos, menor apoyo del padre, y menor competencia parental
general. Similarmente, las madres de hijos únicos reportaron mayor aislamiento, mayor
restricción debido al rol materno, más síntomas depresivos, menor apoyo del padre, y
menor adaptación al hecho de ser madre. Los resultados se discuten e interpretan
reconociendo la baja confiabilidad de ciertas sub-escalas de los instrumentos.
Mothers of children with Asperger’s syndrome tend to experience high levels of parenting stress, even more than most mothers. In addition, their perception of their own parenting competence is usually diminished. Literature review shows an inverse correlation between these processes, which have not been studied in this group of mothers in our society. Taking that into consideration, the current investigation intended to identify if such relation existed and what its nature was. The sample consisted of 33 mothers who answered the Parental Stress Index and the Perceived Parenting Competence Scale (Escala de Competencia Parental Percibida).The results indicated three significant correlations; one inverse and two direct, respectively. First, mothers who felt their relationship with their child was a scarce source of positive reinforcement, felt less competent in offering structure and guidance. Second, mothers of children with less adaptive skills, offered more time and space to talk and solve doubts. Third, mothers of children who presented low expression of positive affects, felt more adapted to the fact of raising a child. Regarding sociodemographic variables, mothers who were divorced or separated reported less parenting ability, more isolation, more depressive symptoms, less support from the father, and less overall parenting competence. Similarly, mothers of an only child reported more isolation, more restriction related to the maternal role, more depressive symptoms, less support from the father, and less adaptation to the fact of being a mother. Results are discussed and interpreted in the light of the low reliability of some sub-scales of the instruments.
Mothers of children with Asperger’s syndrome tend to experience high levels of parenting stress, even more than most mothers. In addition, their perception of their own parenting competence is usually diminished. Literature review shows an inverse correlation between these processes, which have not been studied in this group of mothers in our society. Taking that into consideration, the current investigation intended to identify if such relation existed and what its nature was. The sample consisted of 33 mothers who answered the Parental Stress Index and the Perceived Parenting Competence Scale (Escala de Competencia Parental Percibida).The results indicated three significant correlations; one inverse and two direct, respectively. First, mothers who felt their relationship with their child was a scarce source of positive reinforcement, felt less competent in offering structure and guidance. Second, mothers of children with less adaptive skills, offered more time and space to talk and solve doubts. Third, mothers of children who presented low expression of positive affects, felt more adapted to the fact of raising a child. Regarding sociodemographic variables, mothers who were divorced or separated reported less parenting ability, more isolation, more depressive symptoms, less support from the father, and less overall parenting competence. Similarly, mothers of an only child reported more isolation, more restriction related to the maternal role, more depressive symptoms, less support from the father, and less adaptation to the fact of being a mother. Results are discussed and interpreted in the light of the low reliability of some sub-scales of the instruments.
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