Impacto del modelo de negocio y regalías en la rentabilidad de la empresa de Ollas & utensilios del Perú SRL., durante los años 2018 a 2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La globalización impone nuevos retos a los que no son ajenas las organizaciones, uno de
ellos es desarrollar nuevas estrategias para obtener la ansiada rentabilidad. En los últimos
años el continuo crecimiento del sector comercial promueve y atrae a diversas empresas
extranjeras que se dedican a las ventas directas. El formato de ventas directas es un
modelo de negocios en el que cada empresa crea valor y con ello la generación de
rentabilidad para sus inversionistas, por lo tanto, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo
general dar a conocer el impacto del modelo de negocios y las regalías en la rentabilidad de
la empresa Ollas & utensilios del Perú SRL., durante los años 2018 al 2022. La empresa se
encuentra enmarcada dentro del formato jurídico de franquicia asociativa por lo que en el
desarrollo del trabajo de investigación se ha descrito dicho modelo de negocio, además se
ha conceptualizado las regalías y la rentabilidad. Mediante un enfoque cuantitativo se buscó
analizar los estados de resultados de la empresa por lo que se aplicó herramientas como
razones financieras, así como técnicas de análisis vertical, horizontal y análisis estadístico
correlacional. Las principales conclusiones a las que se llega es que el modelo de negocio y
el pago de regalías permite mejorar las ventas el costo y los gastos operativos, permitiendo
el incremento de la rentabilidad.
Globalization imposes new challenges to which organizations are no strangers, one of them is developing new strategies to obtain the desired profitability. In recent years, the continuous growth of the commercial sector promotes and attracts various foreign companies that are dedicated to direct sales. The direct sales format is a business model in which each company creates value and thereby generates profitability for its investors. Therefore, the general objective of this work is to present the impact of the business model and royalties in the profitability of the company Ollas & utensils del Perú SRL., during the years 2018 to 2022. The company is framed within the legal format of associative franchise, so in the development of the research work this model has been described business, royalties and profitability have also been conceptualized. Using a quantitative approach, we sought to analyze the company's income statements, so tools such as financial ratios were applied, as well as vertical and horizontal analysis techniques and correlational statistical analysis. The main conclusions reached are that the business model and the payment of royalties allow improving sales, costs and operating expenses, allowing increased profitability.
Globalization imposes new challenges to which organizations are no strangers, one of them is developing new strategies to obtain the desired profitability. In recent years, the continuous growth of the commercial sector promotes and attracts various foreign companies that are dedicated to direct sales. The direct sales format is a business model in which each company creates value and thereby generates profitability for its investors. Therefore, the general objective of this work is to present the impact of the business model and royalties in the profitability of the company Ollas & utensils del Perú SRL., during the years 2018 to 2022. The company is framed within the legal format of associative franchise, so in the development of the research work this model has been described business, royalties and profitability have also been conceptualized. Using a quantitative approach, we sought to analyze the company's income statements, so tools such as financial ratios were applied, as well as vertical and horizontal analysis techniques and correlational statistical analysis. The main conclusions reached are that the business model and the payment of royalties allow improving sales, costs and operating expenses, allowing increased profitability.