Estrategias de aprendizaje autorreguladas en estudiantes peruanos de control de tránsito aéreo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo comprender cuáles son las estrategias de
aprendizaje autorreguladas que emplean los estudiantes de control de tránsito aéreo
(CTA) en el Perú. Se empleó una metodología cualitativa de diseño fenomenológico,
puesto que permite recoger la información considerando la perspectiva de los sujetos.
Los participantes fueron cinco varones y una mujer. Sus edades oscilaban entre 19 y 25
años de edad. Cuatro participantes tenían estudios superiores en curso o culminados.
Previa intervención, se realizó una entrevista con el gerente del Centro de Instrucción de
Aviación Civil (CIAC) y el jefe académico para pedir los permisos pertinentes.
Para la recolección de datos, se utilizó una ficha de datos y una guía de
entrevista semiestructurada que arrojó los siguientes resultados: en primer lugar, los
estudiantes utilizan estrategias de aprendizaje que guardan relación con el tipo de
evaluación propia de la institución (memorística y sumativa); en segundo lugar, estos
suelen considerar que tienen las capacidades de superar situación complejas, tales como
no obtener la calificación aprobatoria o esperada; finalmente, se encuentra que los
estudiantes entrevistados utilizan de manera similar las estrategias de aprendizaje
The objective of this research is to understand the self-regulated learning strategies used by students of air traffic control (ATC) in Peru. A qualitative methodology of phenomenological design was used, since it allows to collect the information considering the perspective of the subjects. The participants were five men and one woman. Their ages ranged from 19 to 25 years old. Four participants had higher studies in progress or culminated. After an intervention, an interview was held with the manager of the Civil Aviation Training Center (CIAC) and the academic head to request the pertinent permits. For the collection of data, a data sheet and a semi-structured interview guide were used, which showed the following results: first, the students use learning strategies that are related to the type of evaluation of the institution (rote and summative ); secondly, these tend to consider that they have the ability to overcome complex situations, such as not obtaining the approving or expected qualification; Finally, it is found that the students interviewed similarly use self-regulated learning strategies.
The objective of this research is to understand the self-regulated learning strategies used by students of air traffic control (ATC) in Peru. A qualitative methodology of phenomenological design was used, since it allows to collect the information considering the perspective of the subjects. The participants were five men and one woman. Their ages ranged from 19 to 25 years old. Four participants had higher studies in progress or culminated. After an intervention, an interview was held with the manager of the Civil Aviation Training Center (CIAC) and the academic head to request the pertinent permits. For the collection of data, a data sheet and a semi-structured interview guide were used, which showed the following results: first, the students use learning strategies that are related to the type of evaluation of the institution (rote and summative ); secondly, these tend to consider that they have the ability to overcome complex situations, such as not obtaining the approving or expected qualification; Finally, it is found that the students interviewed similarly use self-regulated learning strategies.
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