La garantía de ne bis in idem en el régimen disciplinario de la Policía Nacional del Perú para la infracción de conducir en estado de ebriedad ¿Cabe además sanción en el derecho penal y el derecho administrativo sancionador?
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación analiza la aplicación del principio de ne bis
in idem en el régimen disciplinario de la Policía Nacional en relación con la
conducta de manejar un vehículo en estado de ebriedad. El objetivo es
determinar si la imposición de la sanción disciplinaria se encuentra legitimada,
considerando que la conducta está tipificada como infracción de tránsito y como
delito, es decir, el ordenamiento jurídico le prevé más de una sanción.
En el desarrollo de la investigación se analiza el fundamento de la potestad
sancionadora del Estado y se colige que las manifestaciones de dicha potestad
en diferentes ámbitos del ordenamiento devienen de un único ius puniendi,
siendo el legislador, bajo consideraciones de política criminal, quien decide cuál
será el ámbito que sirva como instrumento de protección de los intereses y
bienes jurídicamente relevantes. Por tanto, si la respuesta punitiva del Estado se
sustenta en la protección de bienes jurídicos, no cabe la acumulación de
sanciones por el mismo hecho, salvo que se fundamente en la protección de
diferentes bienes jurídicos. De este modo, la identidad de sujeto, hecho y
fundamento es el criterio para determinar la vulneración de la garantía de ne bis
in idem.
Estas consideraciones son de aplicación a la potestad disciplinaria de la
Administración, así, del estudio realizado se establece que el régimen
disciplinario policial protege la Imagen institucional, como bien jurídico propio de
la entidad policial, en consecuencia, la imposición de sanción disciplinaria no
afecta el principio de ne bis in idem. No obstante, se advierte también la identidad
del bien jurídico protegido en el ámbito penal y el régimen sancionador de
tránsito, debiendo reevaluarse la política criminal sobre la conducta ilícita.
The present research work analyzes the application of the principle of ne bis in idem in the disciplinary regime of the National Police in relation to the conduct of driving a vehicle while intoxicated. The objective is to determine if the imposition of the disciplinary sanction is legitimized, considering that the conduct is classified as a traffic violation and as a crime, that is, the legal system provides for more than one sanction. In the development of the investigation, the foundation of the sanctioning power of the State is analyzed and it is deduced that the manifestations of said power in different areas of the system come from a single ius puniendi, with the legislator, under considerations of criminal policy, who decides which one it will be the area that serves as an instrument for the protection of legally relevant interests and assets. Therefore, if the punitive response of the State is based on the protection of legal rights, the accumulation of sanctions for the same act is not possible, unless it is based on the protection of different legal rights. In this way, the identity of the subject, fact and foundation is the criterion to determine the violation of the ne bis in idem guarantee. These considerations are applicable to the disciplinary power of the Administration, thus, the study carried out establishes that the police disciplinary regime protects the institutional Image, as a legal asset of the police entity, consequently, the imposition of disciplinary sanction does not affect the principle of ne bis in idem. However, the identity of the legal asset protected in the criminal field and the transit sanctioning regime are also noted, and the criminal policy on illicit conduct must be reevaluated.
The present research work analyzes the application of the principle of ne bis in idem in the disciplinary regime of the National Police in relation to the conduct of driving a vehicle while intoxicated. The objective is to determine if the imposition of the disciplinary sanction is legitimized, considering that the conduct is classified as a traffic violation and as a crime, that is, the legal system provides for more than one sanction. In the development of the investigation, the foundation of the sanctioning power of the State is analyzed and it is deduced that the manifestations of said power in different areas of the system come from a single ius puniendi, with the legislator, under considerations of criminal policy, who decides which one it will be the area that serves as an instrument for the protection of legally relevant interests and assets. Therefore, if the punitive response of the State is based on the protection of legal rights, the accumulation of sanctions for the same act is not possible, unless it is based on the protection of different legal rights. In this way, the identity of the subject, fact and foundation is the criterion to determine the violation of the ne bis in idem guarantee. These considerations are applicable to the disciplinary power of the Administration, thus, the study carried out establishes that the police disciplinary regime protects the institutional Image, as a legal asset of the police entity, consequently, the imposition of disciplinary sanction does not affect the principle of ne bis in idem. However, the identity of the legal asset protected in the criminal field and the transit sanctioning regime are also noted, and the criminal policy on illicit conduct must be reevaluated.