Análisis comparativo de eficiencia técnica del gasto público educativo en los puntajes obtenidos en las pruebas PISA: 2009, 2012, 2015 y 2018
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En los últimos 20 años, si bien el sistema educativo peruano ha aumentado su
cobertura y ha logrado avances significativos, aún no lo logra que los estudiantes
de la educación básica regular obtengan mayores puntajes en la evaluación
internacionales de competencias como PISA, la cual evalúa áreas especificas
como: lectura, matemáticas y ciencias. De tal forma, persiste la necesidad de
establecer políticas educativas que permitan que los estudiantes obtengan
aprendizajes iguales, pertinentes y de calidad. El presente trabajo pretende
abordar dicha problemática desde el gasto público. Pues, se considera que un
factor determinante de los bajos logros de aprendizaje de los estudiantes es la
ineficiencia del gasto público en educación y también el reducido gasto que se
realiza por alumno, en comparación con otros países de la región. Para
enriquecer la muestra se realizará un análisis comparativo entre 6 países de
Latinoamérica: Colombia, Argentina, Chille, Brasil, Uruguay y Perú; en base a
los puntajes de aprendizaje obtenidos en las pruebas PISA de los años: 2009,
2012, 2015 y 2018. El principal objetivo es poder comparar los resultados de
cada país en las pruebas PISA y contrastar dichos resultados con sus puntajes
de eficiencia técnica, con el fin de trazar estrategias que le permitan al Perú
asignar eficazmente sus recursos.
In the last 20 years, although the Peruvian educational system has increased its coverage and has made significant progress, it is still not possible for students to obtain higher scores in the international assessment of skills such as PISA, which assesses specific areas such as: reading, mathematics and science. Thus, the need persists to establish educational policies that students obtain equal, relevant and quality learning. The present work aims to address this problem from public spending. Well, it is considered that a determining factor of the low learning achievements of students is the inefficiency of public spending on education and also the low spending per student, compared to other countries in the region. To enrich the sample, a comparative analysis will be carried out between 6 Latin American countries: Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay and Peru; based on the learning scores obtained in the PISA tests for the years: 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2018. The main objective is to be able to compare the results of each country in the PISA tests and contrast these results with their technical efficiency scores, to draw up strategies that allow Peru to efficiently allocate its resources.
In the last 20 years, although the Peruvian educational system has increased its coverage and has made significant progress, it is still not possible for students to obtain higher scores in the international assessment of skills such as PISA, which assesses specific areas such as: reading, mathematics and science. Thus, the need persists to establish educational policies that students obtain equal, relevant and quality learning. The present work aims to address this problem from public spending. Well, it is considered that a determining factor of the low learning achievements of students is the inefficiency of public spending on education and also the low spending per student, compared to other countries in the region. To enrich the sample, a comparative analysis will be carried out between 6 Latin American countries: Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay and Peru; based on the learning scores obtained in the PISA tests for the years: 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2018. The main objective is to be able to compare the results of each country in the PISA tests and contrast these results with their technical efficiency scores, to draw up strategies that allow Peru to efficiently allocate its resources.