Estudio comparativo de las Dimensiones de Forma y Contenido del lenguaje oral en niños y niñas de 6 años de edad provenientes de familias funcionales y disfuncionales de una Institución Educativa Pública del distrito de La Molina
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación titulada “Estudio comparativo de las dimensiones de
forma y contenido del lenguaje oral en niños y niñas de 6 años de edad provenientes de
familias funcionales y disfuncionales de una institución educativa pública del distrito de
La Molina” tuvo como objetivo determinar las diferencias en las dimensiones de forma y
contenido del lenguaje oral en niños según el sexo y el tipo de familia (funcional y
En esta investigación se trabajó con la población de 150 niños y niñas de 6 años de
edad de una Institución Educativa Pública del distrito de La Molina. La muestra estuvo
constituida por 82 niños y niñas provenientes de hogares funcionales y disfuncionales.
Para determinar el tipo de familia se utilizó el Cuestionario de Funcionamiento
Familiar (FF-SIL), que consta de 14 situaciones que pueden ocurrir o no a una familia, y
para evaluar las dimensiones de forma y contenido del lenguaje oral se empleó la Prueba
de Lenguaje Oral Navarra Revisada (PLON–R), que permite realizar una detección rápida
(screening) del desarrollo del lenguaje oral evaluando la forma, contenido y uso del
lenguaje; para efectos de esta investigación sólo se consideró las dos primeras dimensiones.
Al término del estudio se pudo comprobar que no existen diferencias significativas
en las dimensiones de forma y contenido del lenguaje oral en relación al sexo de los niños
evaluados, sin embargo; si se observaron diferencias significativas en cuanto al tipo de
familia del que provienen los niños (funcional y disfuncional).
This present research entitled “Comparative Study on form and contents dimensions of oral language in 6-year-old children coming from functional and dysfunctional families in a public education school in the district of La Molina” aimed at determining differences on form and contents dimensions in oral language in children according to sex and family type (functional and dysfunctional). In this research, we worked with a population of 150 boys and girls aged 6 from a Public Education School in the district of La Molina. The sample consisted of 82 boys and girls coming from functional and dysfunctional homes. In determining the family type, we used the family functioning survey (FF-SIL), having 14 situations that may occur or not in a certain family, and in order to assess the form and content dimensions in oral language was used the Reviewed Oral Language Test of Navarra (PLON-R), which allows to perform a fast detection (screening) of oral language development by evaluating the form, contents, and language use; for the purpose of this research were only considered the two first dimensions. At the end of the study, it could be verified that there are not significant difference in the form and contents dimensions in oral language related to sex of children evaluated; however, significant differences were indeed observed as to the family type where the children came from (functional and dysfunctional).
This present research entitled “Comparative Study on form and contents dimensions of oral language in 6-year-old children coming from functional and dysfunctional families in a public education school in the district of La Molina” aimed at determining differences on form and contents dimensions in oral language in children according to sex and family type (functional and dysfunctional). In this research, we worked with a population of 150 boys and girls aged 6 from a Public Education School in the district of La Molina. The sample consisted of 82 boys and girls coming from functional and dysfunctional homes. In determining the family type, we used the family functioning survey (FF-SIL), having 14 situations that may occur or not in a certain family, and in order to assess the form and content dimensions in oral language was used the Reviewed Oral Language Test of Navarra (PLON-R), which allows to perform a fast detection (screening) of oral language development by evaluating the form, contents, and language use; for the purpose of this research were only considered the two first dimensions. At the end of the study, it could be verified that there are not significant difference in the form and contents dimensions in oral language related to sex of children evaluated; however, significant differences were indeed observed as to the family type where the children came from (functional and dysfunctional).
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