Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución del Tribunal Fiscal Nº 07577-8-2014: ¿Fusión por beneficios tributarios? Un acercamiento hacía la simulación para obtener beneficios tributarios
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
¿Cuáles son los parámetros que existían en la Norma VIII del Título Preliminar del
Código Tributario a fines de 1990 e inicios del siglo XXI? ¿La SUNAT podría calificar la
realidad económica de los actos de los contribuyentes para aplicar un hecho imponible?
En el marco de la RTF Nº 07577-8-2014 la administración tributaria calificó de simulada
una fusión, por considerar que únicamente buscaba un beneficio tributario otorgado por
la Ley Nº 26283. Una aproximación preliminar sería que SUNAT no podía argumentar
fraude a la ley, por lo que utilizó la herramienta a su alcance para cuestionar la
reorganización corporativa. No obstante, no pudo demostrar con solidez lo anterior.
Se buscará responder si efectivamente hubo una simulación, y si es que habían otras
herramientas jurídicas que se podrían haber aplicado al caso, aplicando el el fraude de
ley como principio general del derecho. Si bien es cierto, hay autores que respaldan la
postura, lo propuesto es que no existía un abuso de derecho y se utilizaron mecanismos
legales válidos en el momento del caso. Asimismo, se agrega un aporte de cómo se
hubiera resuelto el caso materia del informe bajo la existencia de la Norma XVI como
norma antielusiva y los mayores requisitos societarios bajo la Ley General de
Sociedades Nº 26877, en contraposición a la negativa de aplicar el fraude de ley en
dicho momento determinado.
What were the parameters of Norm VIII of the Preliminary Title of the Tax Code at the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the 21st century? Could SUNAT evaluate the economic substance of taxpayers' actions to apply a taxable event? In the context of RTF Nº 07577-8-2014, the tax administration characterized a merger as simulated, on the grounds that it was aimed solely at obtaining a tax benefit granted by Law Nº 26283. A preliminary approach suggests that SUNAT could not invoke fraud against the law, thus utilizing the available tool to challenge the corporate reorganization. However, it failed to demonstrate this assertion robustly. This report aims to determine whether there was indeed a simulation and whether other legal mechanisms could have been applied to the case, invoking fraud against the law as a general legal principle. While some scholars support this position, the proposal asserts that there was no abuse of rights and that valid legal mechanisms were employed at the time of the case. Furthermore, the report provides an analysis of how the case would have been resolved under the existence of Norm XVI as an anti-avoidance provision and the more stringent corporate requirements under the General Corporations Law Nº 26877, as opposed to the rejection of applying fraud against the law at that particular time.
What were the parameters of Norm VIII of the Preliminary Title of the Tax Code at the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the 21st century? Could SUNAT evaluate the economic substance of taxpayers' actions to apply a taxable event? In the context of RTF Nº 07577-8-2014, the tax administration characterized a merger as simulated, on the grounds that it was aimed solely at obtaining a tax benefit granted by Law Nº 26283. A preliminary approach suggests that SUNAT could not invoke fraud against the law, thus utilizing the available tool to challenge the corporate reorganization. However, it failed to demonstrate this assertion robustly. This report aims to determine whether there was indeed a simulation and whether other legal mechanisms could have been applied to the case, invoking fraud against the law as a general legal principle. While some scholars support this position, the proposal asserts that there was no abuse of rights and that valid legal mechanisms were employed at the time of the case. Furthermore, the report provides an analysis of how the case would have been resolved under the existence of Norm XVI as an anti-avoidance provision and the more stringent corporate requirements under the General Corporations Law Nº 26877, as opposed to the rejection of applying fraud against the law at that particular time.
Palabras clave
Derecho tributario--Legislación--Perú, Fusión de empresas--Perú, Fraude--Perú, Impuestos--Perú
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