Estudio de caso de un niño de 4 años 10 meses con dificultades en el proceso comprensivo y expresivo del lenguaje
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El lenguaje es un medio que utiliza el ser humano para comunicarse, sea oralmente o por medio escrito; pero hoy
en día un número elevado de niños presentan dificultades en cuanto a la comprensión y expresión del mismo, y
que en su momento no tienen una intervención adecuada, por consiguiente, muestran un lenguaje ininteligible,
que más adelante puede afectar su aprendizaje escolar. El objetivo del presente estudio de caso es diseñar un
plan de valoración e intervención pertinente a las necesidades que presenta un niño de 4 años 10 meses con
dificultades en los procesos comprensivo y expresivo del lenguaje, con afectación en los componentes: léxico
semántico, morfosintáctico y fonético fonológico. Las dificultades en los procesos del lenguaje son afectaciones
para poder comprender (decodificar) y expresar (producción) de manera clara las emociones, sentimientos y
deseos. Se sigue el modelo de intervención del medio (modelo hibrido), donde se utiliza estímulos lingüísticos
que ayuden a mejorar estos procesos en los diferentes componentes a través de estrategias en actividades lúdicas
y materiales específicos propuestas y guiado por el adulto. Los resultados evidencian un incremento de
vocabulario expresivo, asociación de elementos de las categorías semánticas planificadas, logra verbalizar
oraciones con la estructura Sujeto + Verbo + Objeto, además los resultados refieren que también identifica y
verbaliza palabras que contengan el fonema /n/. Se concluye que el plan de intervención aplicado al niño ayudó
a mejorar su lenguaje comprensivo y expresivo en los componentes abordados, mostrando mayor inteligibilidad
al interactuar con su grupo familiar, escolar y social.
Since language is a means human beings use to communicate, either orally or writing; but nowadays a high number of children show difficulties in terms of understanding and how to express themselves is well witnessed, many of them did not even have an adequate intervention, consequently, children show unintelligible language, which later their school learning might be seriously affected. The core of this study is to design a relevant assessment and intervention plan to the needs of a 4-year-old 10- month-old child with difficulties in the comprehension and expressive processes of language, affecting the following components: semantic, morphosyntactic and lexicon. phonetic phonological. Difficulties in language processes are impairments to comprehend (decode) and express (production) clearly emotions, feelings, wishes, etc. within a social environment. The intervention model of the environment is followed (hybrid model), where linguistic stimuli are used to help enhance the comprehensive and expressive processes in the different components through strategies during play activities and specific materials proposed and guided by an adult. The results show an increase and improvement in expressive vocabulary, association of elements of the planned semantic categories, exclusion of the element that not belonging to the category, identification of sentences with the structure Subject + Verb + Object and identification of words that wrap the phoneme / n /. It is concluded that the plan applied on the child helps improve meaningfully the comprehension and expressive language of the child in terms of the lexical, semantic, morphosyntactic and phonetic phonological components, showing greater understanding when it comes to express with his/her family, school and social groups.
Since language is a means human beings use to communicate, either orally or writing; but nowadays a high number of children show difficulties in terms of understanding and how to express themselves is well witnessed, many of them did not even have an adequate intervention, consequently, children show unintelligible language, which later their school learning might be seriously affected. The core of this study is to design a relevant assessment and intervention plan to the needs of a 4-year-old 10- month-old child with difficulties in the comprehension and expressive processes of language, affecting the following components: semantic, morphosyntactic and lexicon. phonetic phonological. Difficulties in language processes are impairments to comprehend (decode) and express (production) clearly emotions, feelings, wishes, etc. within a social environment. The intervention model of the environment is followed (hybrid model), where linguistic stimuli are used to help enhance the comprehensive and expressive processes in the different components through strategies during play activities and specific materials proposed and guided by an adult. The results show an increase and improvement in expressive vocabulary, association of elements of the planned semantic categories, exclusion of the element that not belonging to the category, identification of sentences with the structure Subject + Verb + Object and identification of words that wrap the phoneme / n /. It is concluded that the plan applied on the child helps improve meaningfully the comprehension and expressive language of the child in terms of the lexical, semantic, morphosyntactic and phonetic phonological components, showing greater understanding when it comes to express with his/her family, school and social groups.
Palabras clave
Trastornos del aprendizaje (Educación)--Estudio de casos, Niños--Lenguaje--Estudio de casos, Trastornos del habla en niños--Estudio de casos