Análisis de una Operación de Concentración Empresarial entre empresas del Sector Eléctrico Peruano
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar los conceptos relevantes en la
operación de concentración empresarial que se llevó a cabo por China Yangtze Power
International al adquirir el 100% de las acciones de Sempra Americas Bermuda y el 50%
de las acciones de Peruvian Opportunity Company obteniendo con esto el control de Luz
del Sur e Inland Energy. Dentro de estos conceptos están, el mercado de distribución para
atender a usuarios regulados, el mercado de usuarios libres en el sector eléctrico peruano,
las restricciones horizontales, el cierre de clientes, las posibles restricciones a la
competencia que se podrían dar en el mercado de usuarios libres y el análisis de las
condiciones impuestas a la operación por el INDECOPI.
La metodología utilizada fue la revisión de fuentes bibliográficas, tanto nacionales como
extranjeras y la revisión de jurisprudencia nacional relacionada. Las principales
conclusiones del presente trabajo son que efectivamente puede darse un cierre de clientes
dentro del mercado de compra de energía para satisfacer la demanda de usuarios
regulados, pero recién a partir del año 2028. Una segunda conclusión es que, dentro del
mercado de usuarios regulados, la operación no altera el número de suministradores por
lo que no habría impacto en este mercado. Por último, las condiciones impuestas por el
INDECOPI cumplen con el análisis de razonabilidad.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relevant concepts in the corporate concentration operation carried out by China Yangtze Power International when it acquired 100% of the shares of Sempra Americas Bermuda and 50% of the shares of Peruvian Opportunity Company, thus gaining control of Luz del Sur and Inland Energy. These concepts include the distribution market to serve regulated users, the market of free users in the Peruvian electricity sector, horizontal restrictions, the closing of clients, possible restrictions to competition that could occur in the market of free users, and the analysis of the conditions imposed on the operation by INDECOPI. The methodology used was the review of bibliographic sources, both national and foreign, and the review of related national jurisprudence. The main conclusions of this work are that there can indeed be a closing of clients within the energy purchase market to satisfy 2 the demand of regulated users, but only from the year 2028 onwards. A second conclusion is that, within the market of regulated users, the operation does not alter the number of suppliers, so there would be no impact on this market. Finally, the conditions imposed by INDECOPI comply with the reasonableness analysis.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relevant concepts in the corporate concentration operation carried out by China Yangtze Power International when it acquired 100% of the shares of Sempra Americas Bermuda and 50% of the shares of Peruvian Opportunity Company, thus gaining control of Luz del Sur and Inland Energy. These concepts include the distribution market to serve regulated users, the market of free users in the Peruvian electricity sector, horizontal restrictions, the closing of clients, possible restrictions to competition that could occur in the market of free users, and the analysis of the conditions imposed on the operation by INDECOPI. The methodology used was the review of bibliographic sources, both national and foreign, and the review of related national jurisprudence. The main conclusions of this work are that there can indeed be a closing of clients within the energy purchase market to satisfy 2 the demand of regulated users, but only from the year 2028 onwards. A second conclusion is that, within the market of regulated users, the operation does not alter the number of suppliers, so there would be no impact on this market. Finally, the conditions imposed by INDECOPI comply with the reasonableness analysis.
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