Propuesta de semaforización actuada en la intersección de las avenidas Matellini y Paseo de la República para reducir el tiempo de cruce y densidad de los peatones
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En Lima, las intersecciones son zonas de la red vial donde se concentra el mayor número de
conflictos de movilidad y tránsito a causa de una ausencia de gestión de tránsito. Estos
problemas se acentúan en intersecciones cercanas a estaciones de transporte público masivo
donde un gran número de peatones concurren a diario. Debido a una semaforización diseñada
para vehículos con tiempos de rojo extensos y fases fijas, además de un espacio limitado en
aceras, se genera una aglomeración de peatones en dichas aceras, lo cual los obliga a invadir
parte de las vías y a cruzar aun cuando el semáforo se encuentra en verde para vehículos.
En esta tesis, se estudiaron dos de las esquinas dentro de la intersección Av. Matellini con la
Av. Paseo de la República, las cuales se encuentran próximas a la estación BRT Matellini. En
primer lugar, se realizó la descripción de la intersección y del comportamiento peatonal. Se
identificó la hora crítica de un día típico en el que se registró, mediante el uso de un dron, el
aforo peatonal y vehicular. Luego, se usaron los datos obtenidos en una microsimulación
realizada con los softwares Vissim y Viswalk, mediante los cuales, luego de calibrar y validar
los modelos, se pudo representar el estado actual de la intersección. La propuesta de solución
consiste en la implementación de un sistema de semaforización actuada y un cruce peatonal en
diagonal, la cual también fue representada en el modelo de microsimulación mediante una
integración con VisVap. Posterior a la simulación, se comparó el escenario sin propuesta y el
estado de la intersección con la propuesta de solución. Finalmente, se obtuvo una reducción
del 22% en la densidad de peatones que esperaban a cruzar y llegar a las estaciones de BRT y
se consiguió una disminución del tiempo de espera de cruce de 17%, lo cual podría disminuir
el nivel de entropía, y aumentar la percepción de seguridad el nivel de servicio de la
In Lima, intersections are areas within the road network where the highest number of conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles occur due to a lack of traffic management. These mobility and traffic problems are exacerbated at intersections near mass public transportation stations where a large number of pedestrians gather daily. Pedestrian congestion at corners is caused by traffic signals designed for vehicles with long red times and fixed phases, and limited sidewalk space. This results in pedestrians encroaching onto roadways and crossing even when the light is green for vehicles. This thesis focuses on studying two corners of the intersection of Av. Matellini with Av. Paseo de la República, which are near the Matellini BRT station. First, the intersection and pedestrian behavior were described. The critical time of typical day was identified, during which pedestrian and vehicle volumes were recorded using a drone. Then, the collected data was used in a microsimulation with the software Vissim and Viswalk, which, after calibrating and validating the models, allowed for the representation of the current state of the intersection. The proposed solution involves implementing an actuated traffic signals system and a diagonal pedestrian crossing, which was also represented in the microsimulation model trough integration with VisVap. After the simulation, the scenario without the proposal was compared with the state of the intersection with the proposed solution. Ultimately, a 22% reduction in the density of pedestrians waiting to cross and reach the BRT stations was achieves, along with a 17% decrease in crossing wait times. This could reduce entropy, enhance safety perception, and improve the level of service at the intersection.
In Lima, intersections are areas within the road network where the highest number of conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles occur due to a lack of traffic management. These mobility and traffic problems are exacerbated at intersections near mass public transportation stations where a large number of pedestrians gather daily. Pedestrian congestion at corners is caused by traffic signals designed for vehicles with long red times and fixed phases, and limited sidewalk space. This results in pedestrians encroaching onto roadways and crossing even when the light is green for vehicles. This thesis focuses on studying two corners of the intersection of Av. Matellini with Av. Paseo de la República, which are near the Matellini BRT station. First, the intersection and pedestrian behavior were described. The critical time of typical day was identified, during which pedestrian and vehicle volumes were recorded using a drone. Then, the collected data was used in a microsimulation with the software Vissim and Viswalk, which, after calibrating and validating the models, allowed for the representation of the current state of the intersection. The proposed solution involves implementing an actuated traffic signals system and a diagonal pedestrian crossing, which was also represented in the microsimulation model trough integration with VisVap. After the simulation, the scenario without the proposal was compared with the state of the intersection with the proposed solution. Ultimately, a 22% reduction in the density of pedestrians waiting to cross and reach the BRT stations was achieves, along with a 17% decrease in crossing wait times. This could reduce entropy, enhance safety perception, and improve the level of service at the intersection.
Palabras clave
Semáforos--Sistemas de control, Sensores inteligentes--Diseño y construcción, Señales de tránsito, Sistemas de control inteligente
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