Análisis de la Resolución Nº 0278-2015/SDC-INDECOPI en torno a la denuncia interpuesta por Farmacia Universal
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El informe jurídico analiza principalmente dos problemas jurídicos principales
identificados en virtud de la Resolución Nº 0278-2015/SDC-INDECOPI1, que
declaró barrera burocrática ilegal y/o carente de razonabilidad la disposición
administrativa contenida en el numeral 34 del artículo 2º, artículos 4º y 33º del
Reglamento de Establecimientos Farmacéuticos, que exigen a los propietarios
titularse como químicos farmacéuticos para denominar “farmacia” a sus
establecimientos farmacéuticos.
El primer problema jurídico principal refiere a la pertinencia de la entidad a exigir
el cumplimiento de disposiciones administrativas contenidas en normas
reglamentarias los cuales transgreden la finalidad de su ley primigenia; y, el
segundo, sobre la viabilidad de que Indecopi proceda con ordenar la inaplicación
con efectos generales de las barreras burocráticas irrazonables materializadas
en disposiciones administrativas.
Para el análisis de los problemas jurídicos reseñados, tomé como referencia su
base legal, exposición de motivos, proyectos de ley y documentos internos de
Indecopi en el cual realizan críticas a las modificatorias del Decreto Legislativo
Nº 1256, aprobadas mediante la Ley Nº 31775; así como, la doctrina nacional
Finalmente, las conclusiones son las siguientes: en primer lugar, sobre
relevancia que el reglamento cumpla con las formalidades necesarias a fin de
que guarde concordancia con su ley primigenia; y, en segundo lugar, respecto la
importancia que Indecopi declare la inaplicación con efectos generales de las
barerras burocráticas irrazonables contenidas en disposiciones administrativas.
The legal report mainly analyzes two main legal problems identified by virtue of Resolution No. 0278-2015/SDC-INDECOPI, which declared illegal and/or unreasonable bureaucratic barrier the administrative provision contained in numeral 34 of Article 2, Articles 4 and 33 of the Regulation of Pharmaceutical Establishments, which require owners to be licensed as pharmaceutical chemists to call their pharmaceutical establishments "pharmacy". The first main legal problem refers to the pertinence of the entity to demand compliance with administrative provisions contained in regulatory norms which transgress the purpose of its original law; and, the second, on the viability of Indecopi to proceed with ordering the non-application with general effects of the unreasonable bureaucratic barriers materialized in administrative provisions. For the analysis of the legal problems reviewed, I took as a reference their legal basis, explanatory memorandum, draft laws and internal documents of Indecopi in which they criticize the amendments to Legislative Decree No. 1256, approved by Law No. 31775; as well as the corresponding national doctrine. Finally, the conclusions are the following: firstly, on the relevance that the regulation complies with the necessary formalities in order to be in accordance with its original law; and, secondly, on the importance of Indecopi declaring the non-application with general effects of the unreasonable bureaucratic barriers contained in administrative provisions.
The legal report mainly analyzes two main legal problems identified by virtue of Resolution No. 0278-2015/SDC-INDECOPI, which declared illegal and/or unreasonable bureaucratic barrier the administrative provision contained in numeral 34 of Article 2, Articles 4 and 33 of the Regulation of Pharmaceutical Establishments, which require owners to be licensed as pharmaceutical chemists to call their pharmaceutical establishments "pharmacy". The first main legal problem refers to the pertinence of the entity to demand compliance with administrative provisions contained in regulatory norms which transgress the purpose of its original law; and, the second, on the viability of Indecopi to proceed with ordering the non-application with general effects of the unreasonable bureaucratic barriers materialized in administrative provisions. For the analysis of the legal problems reviewed, I took as a reference their legal basis, explanatory memorandum, draft laws and internal documents of Indecopi in which they criticize the amendments to Legislative Decree No. 1256, approved by Law No. 31775; as well as the corresponding national doctrine. Finally, the conclusions are the following: firstly, on the relevance that the regulation complies with the necessary formalities in order to be in accordance with its original law; and, secondly, on the importance of Indecopi declaring the non-application with general effects of the unreasonable bureaucratic barriers contained in administrative provisions.
Palabras clave
Organismos reguladores--Legislación--Perú, Industria farmaceútica--Legislación--Perú, Farmacia--Perú--Administración, Burocracia--Perú
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