Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución N° 1020-2023- SUNAFIL/TFL-Primera Sala
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico tiene como finalidad realizar un análisis jurídico de lo
resuelto por el Tribunal de Fiscalización Laboral en la Resolución N° 1020-2023-
SUNAFIL/TFL-Primera Sala, que sanciona a la empresa LAIVE por infracciones
laborales al sancionar a un miembro del Subcomité de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo
por usar su celular durante una reunión. El estudio examina si la medida disciplinaria
constituye un acto de hostilidad, una afectación a la dignidad en el trabajo o la
vulneración de los derechos constitucionales, esto se desarrolla a través de cuatro
problemas jurídicos secundarios tales como si se incurrió en actos de hostilidad contra
miembros del Comité de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, la afectación a la dignidad del
trabajador por la medida disciplinaria impuesta, vulneración de derechos
constitucionales como libertad personal, expresión y debido proceso y el análisis de la
proporcionalidad de la sanción impuesta.
El análisis concluye que se han incurrido en actos de hostilidad por haber afectado la
reunión del Subcomité de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, sin embargo, no se concluye
que las acciones de la empresa constituyen una afectación de la dignidad. Asimismo,
se identifican los derechos constitucionales afectados y se evalúa la proporcionalidad
de la sanción impuesta. Finalmente se identifican las deficiencias de la Resolución en
su fundamentación en el supuesto de infracción, se cuestiona la congruencia entre el
Acta de Infracción y la Imputación de Cargos, lo que podría comprometer la validez de
la propia Resolución.
This legal analysis critically examines Resolution No. 1020-2023-SUNAFIL/TFL-First Chamber, issued by the Labor Inspection Tribunal, which sanctions LAIVE corporation for labor violations. The case centers on disciplinary action taken against a member of the Occupational Health and Safety Subcommittee for mobile phone use during an official meeting. The study investigates whether this disciplinary measure constitutes workplace hostility, infringes upon employee dignity, or violates constitutional rights. The research methodology encompasses a comprehensive examination of several interrelated legal issues: the occurrence of hostile acts against Occupational Health and Safety Committee members, potential violations of worker dignity through disciplinary measures, infringement of constitutional rights (including personal freedom, freedom of expression, and due process), and an assessment of the sanction's proportionality. The analysis concludes that acts of hostility were committed by disrupting the Occupational Health and Safety Subcommittee meeting. However, it does not conclude that the company's actions constitute a violation of dignity. Additionally, the affected constitutional rights are identified, and the proportionality of the imposed sanction is evaluated. Finally, the study identifies deficiencies in the Resolution's reasoning regarding the alleged infraction and questions the congruence between the Violation Report and the Statement of Charges, which could potentially compromise the validity of the Resolution itself.
This legal analysis critically examines Resolution No. 1020-2023-SUNAFIL/TFL-First Chamber, issued by the Labor Inspection Tribunal, which sanctions LAIVE corporation for labor violations. The case centers on disciplinary action taken against a member of the Occupational Health and Safety Subcommittee for mobile phone use during an official meeting. The study investigates whether this disciplinary measure constitutes workplace hostility, infringes upon employee dignity, or violates constitutional rights. The research methodology encompasses a comprehensive examination of several interrelated legal issues: the occurrence of hostile acts against Occupational Health and Safety Committee members, potential violations of worker dignity through disciplinary measures, infringement of constitutional rights (including personal freedom, freedom of expression, and due process), and an assessment of the sanction's proportionality. The analysis concludes that acts of hostility were committed by disrupting the Occupational Health and Safety Subcommittee meeting. However, it does not conclude that the company's actions constitute a violation of dignity. Additionally, the affected constitutional rights are identified, and the proportionality of the imposed sanction is evaluated. Finally, the study identifies deficiencies in the Resolution's reasoning regarding the alleged infraction and questions the congruence between the Violation Report and the Statement of Charges, which could potentially compromise the validity of the Resolution itself.
Palabras clave
Derecho laboral--Perú, Acoso psicológico en el trabajo--Perú, Disciplina laboral--Perú
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