Caracterización del desarrollo de lenguaje en niños de 24 a 36 meses que acuden a instituciones educativas públicas y privadas del distrito de Los Olivos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las características lingüísticas de cada sujeto identificadas a temprana edad,
aportan una visión a futuro de sus habilidades comunicativas. En base a esto, esta
tesis describe las características del desarrollo de lenguaje en niños de 24 a 36 meses
que acuden a instituciones educativas públicas y privadas del distrito de Los Olivos,
Lima-Perú. Seguidamente se presentan los procesos, resultados y las conclusiones
que la investigación desprende.
Para esta investigación, se utiliza la Escala de Lenguaje de Rossetti para
Infantes, instrumento que evalúa las áreas de interacción-apego, pragmática, gesto,
juego, lenguaje comprensivo y lenguaje expresivo; a través de una prueba piloto en
las instituciones educativas seleccionadas, se observa la necesidad de adaptar la
Escala de Lenguaje de Rossetti para Infantes desde los 0 meses hasta los 20 meses,
para un mayor veracidad de los resultados de los sujetos evaluados.
En este sentido, se logra alcanzar los objetivos propuestos para determinar y
comparar las características del desarrollo de lenguaje de los niños, relacionados
con la variable de la edad, sexo y tipo de gestión educativa además se halló las
propiedades métricas de la Escala de Lenguaje de Rossetti para Infantes, mediante
su adaptación. Siendo esta una investigación descriptiva – no experimental.
Los resultados sirven para identificar las características del desarrollo de lenguaje
de los niños y si estos se ven influenciados por las variables propuestas.
Finalmente, se llegó a la conclusión de que sí existen diferencias
significativas en las características del desarrollo de lenguaje según la edad y el tipo
de gestión educativa, más no por el sexo.
The linguistic characteristics of each person identified at an early age, provide a future vision of their communicational skills. Based on this, this thesis attempts to describe the characteristics of language development in children from 24 to 36 months who attend public and private educational institutions in the district of Los Olivos, Lima-Peru. Then, it will be presented the processes, results and conclusions that the research reveals. For this research, the Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale was used, it is an instrument in which the areas of interaction-attachment, pragmatics, gesture, game, language comprehension and language expressive are evaluated; through a pilot test in the selected educational institutions, the need to adapt Rossetti InfantToddler Language Scale from months to 20 months, for a greater veracity of the results of the subjects evaluated. In this sense, it was possible to reach the proposed objectives of determining and comparing the language development characteristics of children, related to the age, sex and type of schooling; In addition, they found the mechanical properties of Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale, through their adaptation. This being a descriptive investigation - not experimental. The results serve to identify the linguistic characteristics of the children and if they are affected by the proposed variables. Finally, it is concluded that there are significant differences in the characteristics of language development development according to age and type of schooling, but not with respect to sex.
The linguistic characteristics of each person identified at an early age, provide a future vision of their communicational skills. Based on this, this thesis attempts to describe the characteristics of language development in children from 24 to 36 months who attend public and private educational institutions in the district of Los Olivos, Lima-Peru. Then, it will be presented the processes, results and conclusions that the research reveals. For this research, the Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale was used, it is an instrument in which the areas of interaction-attachment, pragmatics, gesture, game, language comprehension and language expressive are evaluated; through a pilot test in the selected educational institutions, the need to adapt Rossetti InfantToddler Language Scale from months to 20 months, for a greater veracity of the results of the subjects evaluated. In this sense, it was possible to reach the proposed objectives of determining and comparing the language development characteristics of children, related to the age, sex and type of schooling; In addition, they found the mechanical properties of Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale, through their adaptation. This being a descriptive investigation - not experimental. The results serve to identify the linguistic characteristics of the children and if they are affected by the proposed variables. Finally, it is concluded that there are significant differences in the characteristics of language development development according to age and type of schooling, but not with respect to sex.
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