Fortalezas y debilidades del procedimiento de saneamiento de los bienes estatales (predio-inmueble)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el presente artículo jurídico se analizan las fortalezas y debilidades que presenta el nuevo
procedimiento especial de saneamiento físico legal de los bienes estatales: predio e inmueble,
regulados en el Reglamento de la Ley General del Sistema Nacional de Bienes Estatales,
aprobado por D.S. N° 008-2021-VIVIENDA y su vinculación con lo dispuesto en el D. Leg.
N° 1439, Decreto Legislativo del Sistema Nacional de Abastecimiento y su reglamento, los
cuales resultan relevantes para la calificación registral, como etapa final del saneamiento
Entre las conclusiones adoptadas se pueden citar:
Con la dación del D. Leg. N° 1439 y su reglamento, ha variado la concepción de bien
inmueble, ya que para el ámbito estatal existe una distinción entre “predio”, entendido
como el terreno e “inmueble”, que es el predio edificado, lo cual trajo consigo la creación
de un nuevo sistema, Sistema Nacional de Abastecimiento, que a través de su ente rector
(Dirección General de Abastecimiento-DGA), tiene por finalidad proveer de inmuebles
a las entidades estatales de inmuebles para el mejor desarrollo de sus funciones, fiscalizar
los actos de adquisición y velar por su buen uso, excluyendo esas funciones de la
competencia de la Superintendencia Nacional de Bienes Estatales-SBN.
El Sistema Nacional de Abastecimiento no cuenta con regulación propia respecto del
saneamiento de los inmuebles estatales; sin embargo, ello no le impide ejercer las
competencias que de acuerdo a ley le corresponde, además siendo el inmueble parte
integrante del predio, para el saneamiento solo del bien edificado las entidades estatales
tendrían que tener inmatriculados sus predios.
La vinculación del certificado de búsqueda catastral con el título con el cual se solicita la
calificación del acto de saneamiento físico legal contiene una eficacia relativa, ya que la
base grafica registral no refleja el total de predios inscritos.
This legal article analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the new special procedure for the physical and legal sanitation of state assets: property and real estate, regulated in the Regulation of the General Law of the National System of State Assets, approved by D.S. N° 008-2021- VIVIENDA and its relationship with the provisions of D. Leg. N ° 1439, Legislative Decree of the National Supply System and its regulations, which are relevant for the registry qualification, as the final stage of legal state property remediation. Among the conclusions adopted, the following can be mentioned: • With the entry into force of D. Leg. N ° 1439 and its normative regulations, the concept of real estate has changed, since for the state scope there is a distinction between "property", understood as the ground and "real estate", which is the built property, which led to the creation of a new system, the National Supply System, which, through its governing body (General Supply Directorate-DGA), aims to provide real estates to state real estate’s entities for the better development of their functions, to oversee the acts of acquisition and ensure its proper use, excluding those functions from the competence of the National Superintendency of State Assets-SBN. • The National Supply System does not have its own regulation regarding the legal remediation of state buildings; However, this does not prevent it from exercising the competences that according to law correspond to it, in addition to being the real estate an integral part of the property, for the legal sanitation only of the built property the state entities would have to have their properties unregistered. • The link of the cadastral search certificate with the title with which the qualification of the act of Physical and legal remediation of real estate is requested contains a relative effectiveness, since the registry graphic base does not reflect the total of registered properties.
This legal article analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the new special procedure for the physical and legal sanitation of state assets: property and real estate, regulated in the Regulation of the General Law of the National System of State Assets, approved by D.S. N° 008-2021- VIVIENDA and its relationship with the provisions of D. Leg. N ° 1439, Legislative Decree of the National Supply System and its regulations, which are relevant for the registry qualification, as the final stage of legal state property remediation. Among the conclusions adopted, the following can be mentioned: • With the entry into force of D. Leg. N ° 1439 and its normative regulations, the concept of real estate has changed, since for the state scope there is a distinction between "property", understood as the ground and "real estate", which is the built property, which led to the creation of a new system, the National Supply System, which, through its governing body (General Supply Directorate-DGA), aims to provide real estates to state real estate’s entities for the better development of their functions, to oversee the acts of acquisition and ensure its proper use, excluding those functions from the competence of the National Superintendency of State Assets-SBN. • The National Supply System does not have its own regulation regarding the legal remediation of state buildings; However, this does not prevent it from exercising the competences that according to law correspond to it, in addition to being the real estate an integral part of the property, for the legal sanitation only of the built property the state entities would have to have their properties unregistered. • The link of the cadastral search certificate with the title with which the qualification of the act of Physical and legal remediation of real estate is requested contains a relative effectiveness, since the registry graphic base does not reflect the total of registered properties.
Palabras clave
Bienes públicos--Perú, Propiedad inmueble--Legislación--Perú, Saneamiento, Registro de la propiedad
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