Aplicación del programa “Habla Palabra” en la disminución de los procesos de simplificación fonológica en niños y niñas de 4 años de la I.E. Fe y Alegría N° 63 de la Ciudad de Trujillo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente estudio, tiene como objetivo principal evaluar la efectividad del programa “Habla
Palabra” para disminuir los procesos de simplificación fonológica en niños y niñas de 4 años de
edad de la I.E. Fe y Alegría N°63 de la ciudad de Trujillo.
El tipo de investigación corresponde al experimental, con diseño cuasiexperimental de dos grupos
no equivalentes. La muestra estuvo conformada por 52 niños de 4 años. Se administró a la muestra
de niños el test TEPROSIF-R para evaluar sus procesos de simplificación fonológica, antes y
después de la aplicación del programa mencionado. Para el contraste de las hipótesis, se empleó
la prueba t de Student para muestras relacionadas, la prueba de rangos con signo de Wilcoxon, y
la t de Student para muestras independientes.
Los resultados indican que la diferencia obtenida en los procesos de simplificación fonológica
(PSF), entre el pretest y el postest (t = 6,461; p = 0,000) es estadísticamente significativo al nivel
de p<0,01. Del mismo modo, se obtuvieron diferencias significativas en las dimensiones de los
PSF: estructura de la sílaba y la palabra (t = 5,139; p = ,000), asimilación (Z = -2,758; p = 0,006),
y sustitución (Z = -3,877; p = ,000). Finalmente, se registró en el postest diferencia significativa
en los PSF entre los grupos experimental y de control (t = 7,260; p = ,000).
Se concluye que la aplicación del programa “Habla Palabra” fue efectiva en la disminución de los
PSF en los niños participantes de la muestra investigada.
The main objective of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the “Habla Palabra” program to reduce the processes of phonological simplification in 4-year-old boys and girls of the I.E. Fe y Alegría N°63 of the city of Trujillo. The type of research corresponds to experimental, with a quasi-experimental design of two nonequivalent groups. The sample was made up of 52 4-year-old children. The TEPROSIF-R test was administered to the sample of children to evaluate their phonological simplification processes, before and after the application of the aforementioned program. To contrast the hypotheses, the Student t test for related samples, the Wilcoxon signed rank test, and the Student t test for independent samples were used. The results indicate that the difference obtained in the phonological simplification processes (PSF) between the pretest and the posttest (t = 6.461; p = 0.000) is statistically significant at the level of p < 0.01. Similarly, significant differences were obtained in the PSF dimensions: syllable and word structure (t = 5.139; p = .000), assimilation (Z = -2.758; p = 0.006), and substitution (Z = - 3.877; p = .000). Finally, a significant difference in the PSF between the experimental and control groups was recorded in the post-test (t = 7.260; p = .000). It is concluded that the application of the “Habla Palabra” program was effective in reducing the PSF in the participating children of the investigated sample.
The main objective of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the “Habla Palabra” program to reduce the processes of phonological simplification in 4-year-old boys and girls of the I.E. Fe y Alegría N°63 of the city of Trujillo. The type of research corresponds to experimental, with a quasi-experimental design of two nonequivalent groups. The sample was made up of 52 4-year-old children. The TEPROSIF-R test was administered to the sample of children to evaluate their phonological simplification processes, before and after the application of the aforementioned program. To contrast the hypotheses, the Student t test for related samples, the Wilcoxon signed rank test, and the Student t test for independent samples were used. The results indicate that the difference obtained in the phonological simplification processes (PSF) between the pretest and the posttest (t = 6.461; p = 0.000) is statistically significant at the level of p < 0.01. Similarly, significant differences were obtained in the PSF dimensions: syllable and word structure (t = 5.139; p = .000), assimilation (Z = -2.758; p = 0.006), and substitution (Z = - 3.877; p = .000). Finally, a significant difference in the PSF between the experimental and control groups was recorded in the post-test (t = 7.260; p = .000). It is concluded that the application of the “Habla Palabra” program was effective in reducing the PSF in the participating children of the investigated sample.
Palabras clave
Niños--Lenguaje, Educación preescolar--Investigaciones, Fonología--Investigaciones
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