El procedimiento administrativo de interpretación: Una guía frente a las inconsistencias del regulador
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación busca otorgar una guía jurídica de los aspectos
sustanciales y procedimentales implicados en el procedimiento de interpretación a cargo del
OSITRAN en el ámbito de los contratos de concesión bajo su competencia, y además,
exponer una serie de problemáticas que se han identificado a lo largo del tiempo en el
desarrollo normativo y práctico de este procedimiento. Para poder conseguir esto se realiza
un minucioso estudio del marco normativo del procedimiento de interpretación y de cada uno
de sus elementos que en conjunto componen a su estructura jurídica, además, también se
acudirá al análisis de precedentes administrativos y de otras resoluciones emitidas por el
regulador. En este sentido, mediante el estudio de la Ley N° 26917, el Decreto Supremo N°
044-2006-PCM, los Lineamientos aprobados mediante Acuerdo N° 557-154-04-CDOSITRAN, la Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General, y múltiples resoluciones emitidas
por el OSITRAN se construye de la manera más clara posible la composición jurídica del
procedimiento de interpretación. En esta se han podido identificar una serie de
complicaciones que se pueden clasificar en dos planos de estudio, uno sustancial, y el otro,
procedimental. Entre estas complicaciones se encuentran la forma jurídicamente válida de
inicio del procedimiento, los límites a su desarrollo procedimental, el alcance de las
resoluciones y los efectos de las mismas en relación a las partes involucradas.
The article seeks to provide a legal guide regarding material and procedural aspects involved in the interpretation procedure performed by OSITRAN in concession contracts matter under its competence, and, also, expose multiple problems that have been identified over time in the regulatory and practical development of this procedure. To achieve this, it has been made a meticulous study of the interpretation procedure regulatory framework and every one of its elements that together compose its legal structure, and also, an analysis of administrative precedents and previous resolutions issued by the regulator will also be used. In this order, through the study of Ley N° 26917, Decreto Supremo N° 044-2006-PCM, Lineamientos approved by Acuerdo N° 557-154-04-CD-OSITRAN, Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General and multiple resolutions issued by OSITRAN, the legal composition of the interpretation procedure is constructed as clearly as possible. Have been identified multiple complications that can be classified into two levels of study, one material, and the other, procedural. Some of these complications are the legally valid way to initiate the procedure, the limits to its procedural development, the resolution’s range of effect and their effects on the parties involved.
The article seeks to provide a legal guide regarding material and procedural aspects involved in the interpretation procedure performed by OSITRAN in concession contracts matter under its competence, and, also, expose multiple problems that have been identified over time in the regulatory and practical development of this procedure. To achieve this, it has been made a meticulous study of the interpretation procedure regulatory framework and every one of its elements that together compose its legal structure, and also, an analysis of administrative precedents and previous resolutions issued by the regulator will also be used. In this order, through the study of Ley N° 26917, Decreto Supremo N° 044-2006-PCM, Lineamientos approved by Acuerdo N° 557-154-04-CD-OSITRAN, Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General and multiple resolutions issued by OSITRAN, the legal composition of the interpretation procedure is constructed as clearly as possible. Have been identified multiple complications that can be classified into two levels of study, one material, and the other, procedural. Some of these complications are the legally valid way to initiate the procedure, the limits to its procedural development, the resolution’s range of effect and their effects on the parties involved.
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