Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución N° 0605-2016/SDC-INDECOPI de fecha 24 de noviembre de 2016
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico tiene como finalidad realizar un análisis integral de los
principales problemas jurídicos contenidos en la Resolución N° 0605-2016/SDCINDECOPI
de fecha 24 de noviembre de 2016 (en adelante, la “Resolución”) emitida por
la Sala Especializada en Defensa de la Competencia del Instituto Nacional de Defensa de
la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (en adelante, la “Sala” e
“Indecopi”, respectivamente). Cabe mencionar que, en ese entonces, esta Sala era la
segunda instancia en los procedimientos de eliminación de barreras burocráticas.
Para la elaboración del presente informe jurídico, se ha analizado el marco jurídico
aplicable, los antecedentes de la problemática a fin de desarrollar los problemas jurídicos
suscitados a partir del análisis de legalidad realizado por la Sala, así como el análisis de
las competencias asignadas a cada entidad de la Administración Pública involucrada
durante la implementación del servicio de revisiones técnicas vehiculares. A partir de lo
anterior, coincidimos con el análisis realizado por la Sala conforme a la sección que
desarrolla este aspecto. Asimismo, dilucidamos las competencias asignadas a cada una de
los niveles de gobierno involucrados en la Resolución para concluir en que la falta de
competencia de uno de los niveles de gobierno involucrados suscitó la suscripción de un
contrato de concesión mediante el cual se otorga exclusividad sobre la prestación del
servicio de revisiones técnicas.
The following legal draft/memo aims at integrally analyzing the main legal issues within the resolution number 0605-2016/SDC-INDECOPI of 24 November 2016 (hereafter the resolution) delivered by the specialized committee on competition law of the INDECOPI. It worth mentioning that back then such committee was the second instance in the procedures regarding the elimination of burocratic barriers. For the elaboration of the present legal draft, we have analyzed the applicable legal framework, the background of the issues, with the aim of developing the legal issues underpinnings the legality analysis conducted by the committee, as well as the analysis of the assigned powers of each of the public entities involved in the implementation of the technical supervision of vehicles service. Based on the above, we concur with the analysis conducted by the committee pursuant to the section which develops this aspect. In addition, we outline the assigned powers of each governmental level involved in the resolution and we conclude that the lack of powers of one of such involved governmental levels, resulted in the subscription of a concession contract through which the government grants exclusivity over the service of technical revision.
The following legal draft/memo aims at integrally analyzing the main legal issues within the resolution number 0605-2016/SDC-INDECOPI of 24 November 2016 (hereafter the resolution) delivered by the specialized committee on competition law of the INDECOPI. It worth mentioning that back then such committee was the second instance in the procedures regarding the elimination of burocratic barriers. For the elaboration of the present legal draft, we have analyzed the applicable legal framework, the background of the issues, with the aim of developing the legal issues underpinnings the legality analysis conducted by the committee, as well as the analysis of the assigned powers of each of the public entities involved in the implementation of the technical supervision of vehicles service. Based on the above, we concur with the analysis conducted by the committee pursuant to the section which develops this aspect. In addition, we outline the assigned powers of each governmental level involved in the resolution and we conclude that the lack of powers of one of such involved governmental levels, resulted in the subscription of a concession contract through which the government grants exclusivity over the service of technical revision.
Palabras clave
Perú--Legislación, Contratos de concesión--Legislación--Perú, Empresas de servicios--Legislación--Perú, Administración pública--Legislación--Perú, Burocracia--Perú