Construcción de personajes femeninos empoderados y subversión de estereotipos en la primera y segunda temporada de la serie Orphan Black
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los medios de comunicación, especialmente el cine y televisión, ocupan un papel importante
en la población, pues estos recrean, fomentan o adaptan diversos aspectos de la sociedad. Un
claro ejemplo es la ficción televisiva, la cual suele ser la que fomenta la aparición de
identidades y representaciones, generando así estereotipos. Si bien existe un gran número de
programas y series de representaciones culturales, también han ido apareciendo otros sobre
representaciones de género, sobretodo de la identidad femenina. Gracias a las distintas
revoluciones y protestas femeninas, estos programas han ido pasando de representar a la mujer
como el “sexo débil” a representar a una mujer “empoderada”. A partir de esta investigación
buscamos identificar la manera en la que la serie Orphan Black (2012-2017) subvierte los
estereotipos femeninos existentes en la sociedad y cómo es que fomenta la aparición de nuevas
representaciones femeninas. En este trabajo se desarrolla una ardua investigación no solo de
los movimientos femeninos que llevaron a lo que se ve hoy en día en los medios, sino también
de las formas de representación y estereotipos en el cine y televisión sobre la mujer.
Finalmente, el análisis de las temporadas escogidas de la serie determina que la serie recoge
los estereotipos existentes sobre la mujer y los destruye: a nivel figurativo, es decir, en la
manera de representar físicamente al personaje; y a nivel narrativo, la manera en como el
personaje se desarrolla y cambia sus acciones. Así es cómo la serie construye nuevas
representaciones femeninas.
The media, especially film and television, play an important role in the population, as they recreate, promote or adapt various aspects of society. A clear example is television fiction, which is usually the one that encourages the appearance of identities and representations, thus generating stereotypes. Although there are a large number of programs and series of cultural representations, others have also appeared on gender representations, especially of feminine identity. Thanks to the various revolutions and female protests, these programs have gone from representing women as the "weaker sex" to representing an "empowered" woman. From this research we seek to identify the way in which the Orphan Black series (2012-2017) subverts existing female stereotypes in society and how it encourages the emergence of new female representations. In this work an arduous investigation is developed not only of the feminine movements that led to what is seen today in the media, but also of the forms of representation and stereotypes in film and television about women. Finally, the analysis of the selected seasons of the series determines that the series collects the existing stereotypes about women and destroys them: on a figurative level, that is, in the way of physically representing the character; and at the narrative level, the way in which the character develops and changes his actions. This is how the series builds new female representations.
The media, especially film and television, play an important role in the population, as they recreate, promote or adapt various aspects of society. A clear example is television fiction, which is usually the one that encourages the appearance of identities and representations, thus generating stereotypes. Although there are a large number of programs and series of cultural representations, others have also appeared on gender representations, especially of feminine identity. Thanks to the various revolutions and female protests, these programs have gone from representing women as the "weaker sex" to representing an "empowered" woman. From this research we seek to identify the way in which the Orphan Black series (2012-2017) subverts existing female stereotypes in society and how it encourages the emergence of new female representations. In this work an arduous investigation is developed not only of the feminine movements that led to what is seen today in the media, but also of the forms of representation and stereotypes in film and television about women. Finally, the analysis of the selected seasons of the series determines that the series collects the existing stereotypes about women and destroys them: on a figurative level, that is, in the way of physically representing the character; and at the narrative level, the way in which the character develops and changes his actions. This is how the series builds new female representations.
Palabras clave
Orphan black (Programa de televisión), Feminismo, Estereotipo (Psicología), Empoderamiento
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