Análisis, diagnóstico y propuesta de mejora en la gestión de inventario en una empresa del sector textil
Campos Mendoza, Verónica Nicole
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación estuvo enfocada en elaborar una propuesta de mejora en la gestión de inventario en una empresa del sector textil, para lo cual se elaboró un análisis y diagnóstico de la situación que se presentaba en la empresa para, finalmente, evidenciar a través de la evaluación de las mismas, la factibilidad y beneficios que éstas brindarían a la empresa. Para ello, se desarrolló un análisis FODA y de la Cadena de valor para identificar las condiciones que se encontraron a través del diagnóstico realizado; lo que dio pie a colocar las siguientes propuestas: emplear el sistema de clasificación ABC para organizar y limpiar los espacios; también la planificación de la demanda, puesto que permitirá organizar la producción en base a las demandas comerciales; así mismo, la gestión de inventarios permitiría mantener un control adecuado sobre la producción, existencias y salidas de los productos de la empresa y, finalmente, la gestión comercial de ventas, misma que facilitará el empleo de alternativas creativas que ayuden a la empresa con la distribución y aumento en las ventas de sus productos adaptados a cada temporada para asimilar la menor cantidad de stock de prendas no vendidas. Ello permitió concluir que estas propuestas permiten generar mejores beneficios a nivel productivo, organizacional y económico.
The present investigation was focused on elaborating a proposal for improvement in inventory management in a company in the textile sector, for which an analysis and diagnosis of the situation that was presented in the company was elaborated to, finally, demonstrate through the evaluation of the same, the feasibility and benefits that they would provide to the company. For this, a SWOT analysis and the Value Chain were developed to identify the conditions that were found through the diagnosis made; which gave rise to the following proposals: use the ABC classification system to organize and clean the spaces; also the planning of the demand, since it will allow to organize the production based on the commercial demands; likewise, inventory management would allow maintaining adequate control over the production, stocks and outputs of the company's products and, finally, commercial sales management, which will facilitate the use of creative alternatives that help the company with the distribution and increase in sales of its products adapted to each season to assimilate the least amount of stock of unsold garments. This allowed us to conclude that these proposals allow generating better benefits at a productive, organizational and economic level.
The present investigation was focused on elaborating a proposal for improvement in inventory management in a company in the textile sector, for which an analysis and diagnosis of the situation that was presented in the company was elaborated to, finally, demonstrate through the evaluation of the same, the feasibility and benefits that they would provide to the company. For this, a SWOT analysis and the Value Chain were developed to identify the conditions that were found through the diagnosis made; which gave rise to the following proposals: use the ABC classification system to organize and clean the spaces; also the planning of the demand, since it will allow to organize the production based on the commercial demands; likewise, inventory management would allow maintaining adequate control over the production, stocks and outputs of the company's products and, finally, commercial sales management, which will facilitate the use of creative alternatives that help the company with the distribution and increase in sales of its products adapted to each season to assimilate the least amount of stock of unsold garments. This allowed us to conclude that these proposals allow generating better benefits at a productive, organizational and economic level.
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