Procesos lectores de alto nivel y la resolución de problemas aritméticos en estudiantes del 5°grado de primaria de una Institución educativa privada del Cercado de Lima, 2017
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Nuestra finalidad a través del presente estudio fue demostrar la relación
entre los procesos lectores de alto nivel y la resolución de problemas aritméticos en
estudiantes del 5° de primaria de una Institución educativa privada del Cercado de
Lima. Para alcanzar este objetivo se hizo un estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo
correlacional y de diseño no experimental, a una población de 100 estudiantes del
colegio Innova schools con sede en el Cercado de Lima.
Se aplicó la batería de evaluación de procesos lectores, revisada PROLECR
– procesos sintácticos y semánticos, elaborada por Cuetos, Rodríguez, Ruano y
Arribas (2007) y la prueba de resolución de problemas aritméticos EVAMAT 5,
elaborada por García Vidal, García Ortiz, Gonzales Manjón, Gonzales Cejas,
Jiménez Fernández y Jiménez Mesa (2010).
Los resultados obtenidos confirmaron una correspondencia significativa
entre los procesos lectores de alto nivel y la resolución de problemas aritméticos.
Además, al comparar los procesos sintácticos y semánticos con la resolución de
problemas aritméticos, se obtuvieron mejores resultados en los procesos
Our purpose with the present research was to demonstrate the relationship between the high level reading processes and the resolution of arithmetic problems in 5th grade students from a private school in Cercado de Lima. To reach this objective, a quantitative focus was used, from a co-relation type and a nonexperimental design, to a 100 student population from Innova Schools, located in Cercado de Lima. The reading processes battery evaluation was applied, reviewed PROLECR – syntactic and semantic processes, elaborated by Cuetos, Rodríguez, Ruano y Arribas (2007) and the resolution of arithmetic problems test EVAMAT 5, elaborated by García Vidal, García Ortiz, Gonzales Manjón, Gonzales Cejas, Jiménez Fernández y Jiménez Mesa (2010). The results obtained, confirmed a significant correspondence between the high level reading processes and the resolution of arithmetic problems. Also, when the syntactic and semantic processes were compared to the resolution of arithmetic problems, better results were obtained in the semantic processes.
Our purpose with the present research was to demonstrate the relationship between the high level reading processes and the resolution of arithmetic problems in 5th grade students from a private school in Cercado de Lima. To reach this objective, a quantitative focus was used, from a co-relation type and a nonexperimental design, to a 100 student population from Innova Schools, located in Cercado de Lima. The reading processes battery evaluation was applied, reviewed PROLECR – syntactic and semantic processes, elaborated by Cuetos, Rodríguez, Ruano y Arribas (2007) and the resolution of arithmetic problems test EVAMAT 5, elaborated by García Vidal, García Ortiz, Gonzales Manjón, Gonzales Cejas, Jiménez Fernández y Jiménez Mesa (2010). The results obtained, confirmed a significant correspondence between the high level reading processes and the resolution of arithmetic problems. Also, when the syntactic and semantic processes were compared to the resolution of arithmetic problems, better results were obtained in the semantic processes.
Palabras clave
Matemáticas--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Matemáticas--Problemas, ejercicios, Lectura--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria)
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