Fluidez verbal en niños de inicial 5 años de dos niveles socioeconómicos diferenciados en Lima Metropolitana en el año 2016.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar las semejanzas y
diferencias en la fluidez verbal en niños del nivel educativo inicial de 5 años,
pertenecientes a niveles socioeconómicos diferenciados. Se consideran las
categorías palabras, partes del cuerpo, animales y frutas. Se evalúa la fluidez verbal
en niños de nivel educativo inicial de 5 años, ya que es en este nivel donde se sientan
los cimientos que fortalecen las aptitudes comunicativas que son necesarias para el
aprendizaje formal de la lectoescritura, siendo importante mencionar la relevancia
de la fluidez verbal no solamente a nivel lingüístico, sino también como una
capacidad cognitiva dentro de las funciones ejecutivas. El muestreo es de tipo no
probabilístico intencionado. Se evalúa un total de 172 niños (varones y mujeres),
95 de ellos pertenecientes a la Institución Educativa Privada “San Agustín” (nivel
socioeconómico A) y 77 de la Institución Educativa Estatal “Isabel Flores de Oliva”
(nivel socioeconómico C-D). Se encuentran diferencias significativas en la fluidez
verbal, así como en todas las categorías evaluadas, excepto animales. Estos
resultados indican que las diferencias socioeconómicas influyen en la fluidez
verbal, siendo el grupo del colegio San Agustín quienes presentan resultados
superiores en comparación con el colegio Isabel Flores de Oliva.
The present research aims to determine the similarities and differences of verbal fluency on 5-year-old children of the early years education level, belonging to differentiated socioeconomic levels. The categories were considered by words, parts of the body, animals and fruits. Verbal fluency is evaluated in children of initial 5-year educational level, since it is at this level that the foundations are laid that strengthen the communication skills that are necessary for formal literacy learning, being important to mention the relevance of verbal fluency not only at the linguistic level, but also as a cognitive capacity within the executive functions. The sampling applied was intentional non-probabilistic. A total of 172 children (boys and girls), 95 of them belong to San Agustín Private School (socioeconomic level A) and 77 of them to Isabel Flores de Oliva Public School (socioeconomic level CD) were assessed. Significant differences were found in verbal fluency as well as in all categories evaluated, except for animals. These results indicate that socioeconomic differences influence the flow of funds, with the San Agustín school group having superior results compared to the Isabel Flores de Oliva school.
The present research aims to determine the similarities and differences of verbal fluency on 5-year-old children of the early years education level, belonging to differentiated socioeconomic levels. The categories were considered by words, parts of the body, animals and fruits. Verbal fluency is evaluated in children of initial 5-year educational level, since it is at this level that the foundations are laid that strengthen the communication skills that are necessary for formal literacy learning, being important to mention the relevance of verbal fluency not only at the linguistic level, but also as a cognitive capacity within the executive functions. The sampling applied was intentional non-probabilistic. A total of 172 children (boys and girls), 95 of them belong to San Agustín Private School (socioeconomic level A) and 77 of them to Isabel Flores de Oliva Public School (socioeconomic level CD) were assessed. Significant differences were found in verbal fluency as well as in all categories evaluated, except for animals. These results indicate that socioeconomic differences influence the flow of funds, with the San Agustín school group having superior results compared to the Isabel Flores de Oliva school.
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