UTRU HORAS: Un análisis de la situación del Anticonceptivo Oral de Emergencia desde los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos de las Niñas y Mujeres en Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Acceso al texto completo solo para la Comunidad PUCP
La sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional del año 2009 que ordena al Ministerio de Salud
abstenerse de desarrollar como política pública la distribución gratuita a nivel nacional
del Anticonceptivo Oral de Emergencia tiene efectos negativos en el ejercicio de los
derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las niñas y mujeres en el Perú.
Esta decisión afecta principalmente a quienes se encuentran en una situación de pobreza
y/o viven en zonas rurales. El anticonceptivo oral de emergencia se vuelve inaccesible
por las barreras económicas y geográficas persistentes, que tiene como consecuencia la
prevalencia de un alarmante número de casos de embarazos no planeados y/o forzados.
Además, se niega el reconocimiento a la autonomía e integridad sexual de las mujeres,
lo que implica un retroceso en la aplicación de los principios de progresividad, más alto
nivel de salud y del interés superior de las niñas y adolescentes mujeres.
Frente a este contexto, el presente informe jurídico aborda la necesidad de una política
pública de acceso gratuito a los métodos anticonceptivos incluida la anticoncepción oral
de emergencia como parte del cumplimiento de la obligación de garantizar derechos
sexuales y reproductivos de acuerdo con el estándar de derecho internacional de los
derechos humanos.
The 2009 Constitutional Court judgment that rules the Ministry of Health to refrain from developing as a public policy the free nationwide distribution of the Emergency Contraceptive Pills has direct effects on the exercise of the sexual and reproductive rights of girls and women in Peru. This decision mainly affects those who are in a situation of poverty and / or live in rural areas. The Emergency Contraceptive Pills are rendered inaccessible due to persistent economic and geographic barriers, resulting in the prevalence of an alarming number of cases of unintended and / or forced pregnancies. In addition, it the denies the recognition of the autonomy and sexual integrity of women, as well as implies a setback in the application of the principles of progressiveness, a higher level of health and the best interests of girls and female adolescents. Given this context, this legal report addresses the need for a public policy regarding free access to contraceptive methods, including the emergency oral contraception, in order to comply with the obligation to guarantee sexual and reproductive rights in accordance with the international standards of human rights.
The 2009 Constitutional Court judgment that rules the Ministry of Health to refrain from developing as a public policy the free nationwide distribution of the Emergency Contraceptive Pills has direct effects on the exercise of the sexual and reproductive rights of girls and women in Peru. This decision mainly affects those who are in a situation of poverty and / or live in rural areas. The Emergency Contraceptive Pills are rendered inaccessible due to persistent economic and geographic barriers, resulting in the prevalence of an alarming number of cases of unintended and / or forced pregnancies. In addition, it the denies the recognition of the autonomy and sexual integrity of women, as well as implies a setback in the application of the principles of progressiveness, a higher level of health and the best interests of girls and female adolescents. Given this context, this legal report addresses the need for a public policy regarding free access to contraceptive methods, including the emergency oral contraception, in order to comply with the obligation to guarantee sexual and reproductive rights in accordance with the international standards of human rights.
Palabras clave
Discriminación sexual contra la mujer, Salud reproductiva--Perú, Anticonceptivos, Anticonceptivo oral de emergencia, Derechos humanos
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