Informe jurídico de la Resolución Nº 1818-2019/SPC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En este trabajo, la autora analiza una resolución del INDECOPI que versa sobre la
discriminación contra las personas con discapacidad. En tal sentido, empieza
desarrollando los conceptos claves para brindar un marco teórico a fin de aplicarlo al caso
concreto, por lo cual se aborda el derecho a la igualdad y no discriminación, así como el
derecho a la educación con la normativa peruana e internacional pertinente.
Posteriormente, se evalúa la resolución materia de estudio, observando que la
interpretación que realiza la Sala de Defensa del Consumidor y el fundamento de voto del
vocal Juan Espinoza Espinoza acerca de si el artículo 38 del Código de Protección y
Defensa del Consumidor recogería dos tipos infractores, es decir, el trato diferenciado
ilícito y la no discriminación o solamente se limitaría al último de estos. Para lo cual, la
autora brinda buenas razones para justificar la primera posición a propósito de los hechos
del caso y con argumentos conceptuales.
Asimismo, en aras de establecer claridad respecto a estos dos conceptos, se estudia la
carga de la prueba, dando cuenta de ambigüedad contenida en el artículo 39 del Código
de Protección y Defensa del Consumidor.
Finalmente, se brindan razones que desvirtúan la posición de la parte denunciada.
In this work, the author analyses an INDECOPI resolution that deals with discrimination against people with disabilities. In this sense, it begins by developing the key concepts to provide a theoretical framework in order to apply it to the specific case, for this reason the right to equality and non-discrimination is addressed, as well as the right to education with the relevant Peruvian and international regulations. Subsequently, the resolution under study is assessed, noting that the interpretation made by the Consumer Defence Chamber and the voting by member Juan Espinoza Espinoza on whether article 38 of the Consumer Protection and Defence Code would include two types of offences, namely, illicit differential treatment and non-discrimination or it would only be limited to the last of these. For which, the author provides good reasons to justify the first position regarding the facts of the case and with conceptual arguments. Likewise, in order to establish clarity regarding these two concepts, the burden of proof is studied, accounting for the ambiguity contained in article 39 of the Consumer Protection Code. Finally, reasons are provided that reject the position of the denounced party.
In this work, the author analyses an INDECOPI resolution that deals with discrimination against people with disabilities. In this sense, it begins by developing the key concepts to provide a theoretical framework in order to apply it to the specific case, for this reason the right to equality and non-discrimination is addressed, as well as the right to education with the relevant Peruvian and international regulations. Subsequently, the resolution under study is assessed, noting that the interpretation made by the Consumer Defence Chamber and the voting by member Juan Espinoza Espinoza on whether article 38 of the Consumer Protection and Defence Code would include two types of offences, namely, illicit differential treatment and non-discrimination or it would only be limited to the last of these. For which, the author provides good reasons to justify the first position regarding the facts of the case and with conceptual arguments. Likewise, in order to establish clarity regarding these two concepts, the burden of proof is studied, accounting for the ambiguity contained in article 39 of the Consumer Protection Code. Finally, reasons are provided that reject the position of the denounced party.
Palabras clave
Protección al consumidor--Jurispudencia--Perú, Personas con discapacidad--Discriminación, Niños con discapacidad--Educación