Análisis sobre el conflicto entre la competencia administrativa y la función arbitral a raíz de los contratos reglados en la Ley N°29904
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
A través del presente trabajo académico nos hemos propuesto la labor de
explicar y analizar la controversia jurídica respecto a la aplicación de normas de
competencia administrativa y arbitrabilidad que surgió entre la anterior empresa
concesionaria de la Red Dorsal Nacional de Fibra Óptica, Azteca
Comunicaciones Perú S.A.C, y diversas empresas de energía eléctrica, con
especial énfasis en el análisis de los pronunciamientos de diversas instancias
jurisdiccionales que a simple vista contienen decisiones abiertamente
contradictorias y que a la fecha aún se encuentran en giro en el Poder Judicial.
Con ello, también proponemos como objetivo de este trabajo plantear soluciones
para coadyuvar a que el ordenamiento jurídico peruano expida decisiones
administrativas y jurisdiccional que sean coherentes y unitarias, tutelando una
adecuada seguridad jurídica y predictibilidad en las decisiones de los operadores
jurídicos que afectan la esfera de los administrados y justiciables. Por un lado,
se plantea la generalización de la idea consistente en que nuestro ordenamiento
jurídico permite la aplicación de normas de orden público en el arbitraje, y, por
otro, la flexibilización del precepto normativo contenido en el artículo 75.2. del
TUO de la Ley N°27444, en aras de proteger intereses colectivos representados
por la coherencia y seguridad jurídica.
Through this academic work we have proposed the task of explaining and analyzing the legal controversy regarding the application of administrative competition and arbitrability rules that arose between the former concessionaire company of the National Backbone Fiber Optic Network, Azteca Comunicaciones Perú S.A.C., and various electric power companies, with special emphasis on the analysis of the pronouncements of various jurisdictional instances that at first sight contain openly contradictory decisions and that to date are still pending in the Judiciary. With this, we also propose as an objective of this work to propose solutions to help the Peruvian legal system to issue administrative and jurisdictional decisions that are coherent and unitary, protecting an adequate legal security and predictability in the decisions of the legal operators that affect the sphere of the administered and justiciable. On the one hand, the generalization of the idea that our legal system allows the application of public order rules in arbitration is proposed, and on the other hand, the flexibility of the normative precept contained in Article 75.2. of the TUO of Law No. 27444, in order to protect collective interests represented by the coherence and legal certainty.
Through this academic work we have proposed the task of explaining and analyzing the legal controversy regarding the application of administrative competition and arbitrability rules that arose between the former concessionaire company of the National Backbone Fiber Optic Network, Azteca Comunicaciones Perú S.A.C., and various electric power companies, with special emphasis on the analysis of the pronouncements of various jurisdictional instances that at first sight contain openly contradictory decisions and that to date are still pending in the Judiciary. With this, we also propose as an objective of this work to propose solutions to help the Peruvian legal system to issue administrative and jurisdictional decisions that are coherent and unitary, protecting an adequate legal security and predictability in the decisions of the legal operators that affect the sphere of the administered and justiciable. On the one hand, the generalization of the idea that our legal system allows the application of public order rules in arbitration is proposed, and on the other hand, the flexibility of the normative precept contained in Article 75.2. of the TUO of Law No. 27444, in order to protect collective interests represented by the coherence and legal certainty.
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